Drame o socijalnim problemima: 470 naslova


theaters Trapped

Against the backdrop of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, several stories of confined women attempting to escape become intertwined. Inspired by real events.
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theaters Tražeći pravdu

Just Mercy

An idealistic, talented young lawyer heads to Alabama to defend death row inmates in need of proper legal representation. Based on a true story.
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theaters Tubelight

When the Sino-Indian War tears his world apart, Laxman, a man with a cognitive disability, sets out from his village to bring his drafted brother home.
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theaters Tughlaq Durbar

A budding politician has devious plans to rise in the ranks — until an unexpected new presence begins to interfere with his every crooked move.
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theaters U ime talijanskog naroda

In the Name of the Italian People

U Rimu početkom 1970-ih pošteni sudac odluči poduzeti sve što bude potrebno da k pravdi privede korumpiranog industrijalca koji je skrivio smrt mlade žene.
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theaters Učinio je to sin

It Was the Son

Kad se siromašna obitelj suoči s tragedijom, spremno prihvati sve što im se u situaciji nudi.
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theaters Udta Punjab

Drug abuse and the darker side of Punjab rear their heads in the intense, interwoven tales of a cop, a doctor, a migrant worker and a rock star.
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theaters Ukradena baština


U ovoj osjećajnoj drami inspiriranoj stvarnim događajima mlada žena iz švedske autohtone zajednice Sámi traži ubojicu kako bi podmirila osobni račun.
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theaters Up North

You can take a slick heir out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the heir. Or can you?
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theaters Uppena

Their love is brave and runs deep. But with one man determined to sink their story, troubled waters lie ahead.
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theaters Usporedni životi

In Her Place

Kada čileanska spisateljica María Carolina Geel ubije ljubavnika, slučaj zapne za oko sramežljivoj pravnoj tajnici Mercedes te se dvije žene neočekivano povežu.
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theaters Ustav Republike Hrvatske

The Constitution

Splet događaja prisili četvoro susjeda u Zagrebu da se povežu te međusobno suoče svoje različite sustave vrijednosti i perspektive.
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theaters Vaathi

When a private school teacher is assigned to a neglected public school, he must overcome personal and political strife in his fight for education.
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theaters Vaathi (Hindi)

When a private school teacher is assigned to a neglected public school, he must overcome personal and political strife in his fight for education.
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theaters Vaathi (Kannada)

When a private school teacher is assigned to a neglected public school, he must overcome personal and political strife in his fight for education.
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theaters Vaathi (Malayalam)

When a private school teacher is assigned to a neglected public school, he must overcome personal and political strife in his fight for education.
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theaters Vatrena ekipa

The Brigade

Ova topla drama smještena na jugu Francuske prikazuje svakodnevne muke i junaštvo vatrogasne postrojbe tijekom sezone ljetnih šumskih požara.
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theaters Važno je voljeti

That Most Important Thing: Love

Nezadovoljna glumica prihvaća uloge koje joj pronalazi suprug... sve dok ne upozna fotografa koji se zaljubi u nju i osigura joj ulogu u „Rikardu III.”
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