theaters Sesham Mike-il Fathima
A young woman from Kerala goes up against unjust hurdles and a conservative upbringing to achieve her dream of becoming a football commentator.
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A young woman from Kerala goes up against unjust hurdles and a conservative upbringing to achieve her dream of becoming a football commentator.
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Nakon što skupina tinejdžera pronađe leš koji pluta u kanalu, brutalna stvarnost perverznog zločina počne rasplitati skrivene tajne grada.
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From child prodigy to trailblazing captain, sports icon Mithali Raj navigates the highs and lows of professional cricket in this coming-of-age drama.
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At a boarding house in Cairo, the stories of seven women from different walks of life intertwine as they search for love and fight societal injustice.
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A determined village leader embarks on a journey in search of a dangerous tiger that’s threatening the livelihood of his people.
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Shirley Chisholm kreće na povijesnu kampanju za demokratskog kandidata za predsjedničke izbore 1972. nakon što je postala prva Afroamerikanka izabrana za Kongres.
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Amid a multitude of cover-ups, a caring teacher attempts to publicly expose faculty members who are molesting some hearing-impaired students.
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When a private school teacher is assigned to a neglected public school, he must overcome personal and political strife in his fight for education.
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She wished to fly — and they clipped her wings. But is there hope for the little sister she's leaving behind?
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Strast. Svrha. Put do ostvarenja njezinih snova. To je više od skejtborda. To je nešto što bi moglo pokrenuti promjenu.
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Vozač taksija traži ljubav kroz online chat, no uskoro postane opsjednut operaterkom, ne znajući da je njegova savršena žena izmišljena osoba.
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Novinarka se poveže s mladim Marokancem dok pokušava razbiti stereotipe o svojoj zajednici, no na put im stane senzacionalistički TV voditelj.
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Predsjednik i bivši premijer udruže se kako bi stabilizirali gospodarstvo i spriječili pozadinske spletke pohlepnih oligarha.
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Chaos breaks out at a Cape Flats high school as a ragtag group of seniors deal with substitute teachers, privileged visitors, armed gangsters and more.
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In this drama, a woman rebuilding her life meets a young man seeking redemption in the wake of the civil unrest caused by the 2007 election in Kenya.
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Being cops makes them powerful. But being female puts them at a disadvantage. Amid double standards, can they make a change?
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A vast desert separates them from a better life. But in the middle of nowhere, danger lies around -- and among -- them.
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When an ordinary man is imprisoned, he finds himself caught in a system of corruption and savagery as he fights to survive through the terrifying ordeal.
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Strogi inženjer drži obitelj na kratkoj uzici dok mu se supruga snalazi s malo novca, no četvero djece u obitelji suprotstavljaju se njihovom autoritetu.
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A visually-impaired man overcomes extreme obstacles in education and business in this biopic chronicling the life of industrialist Srikanth Bolla.
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