theaters The Last Bomb of the Second World War
A piece of unexploded ordnance wreaks havoc on the lives of a scrapyard worker whose truck it falls into and an anti-war activist who's hunting for it.
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A piece of unexploded ordnance wreaks havoc on the lives of a scrapyard worker whose truck it falls into and an anti-war activist who's hunting for it.
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Ganjao je san o slobodi i bio je nadahnuće drugima, što je skupo platio. No može li nada ikada doista umrijeti?
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A journalist on the edge. The story she can't let go. Caught in a secret war, she trusts nothing except the truth.
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After the death of a family member, a troubled animator confronts buried memories while outrunning a mysterious alien from his past.
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She wore the slur like a badge of honor. But this constitutional crusader's shady dealings led her down a dark path.
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There’s no scandal so bad that some clever media spin can’t clean it up. Reality is only what you tell people it is.
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Nakon što svojim prekrasnim glasom osvoji poštovanje velških rudara, američki mornar pridruži se njihovoj borbi za bolje radne uvjete.
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Three women silently endure abuse and assault from a lecherous boss, an abusive husband and a creepy neighbor until one of the women speaks out.
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A Javanese royal and half-Dutch woman fall in love as Indonesia rises to independence from colonial rule. Based on Pramoedya Ananta Toer's famed novel.
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Ljubavna veza žene iz francuskog gradića pod nacističkom okupacijom s njemačkim satnikom naglo okonča nakon što pogine njezin brat, vođa pokreta otpora.
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Nakon godina provedenih u zatvoru za zločin koji nije počinio, bivši zatvorenik vrati se kako bi se osvetio bogatoj obitelji koja mu je smjestila.
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It's a classic, timeless love story. Except for the part where a happy marriage hinges on commode installation.
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Against the backdrop of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, several stories of confined women attempting to escape become intertwined. Inspired by real events.
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An idealistic, talented young lawyer heads to Alabama to defend death row inmates in need of proper legal representation. Based on a true story.
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When the Sino-Indian War tears his world apart, Laxman, a man with a cognitive disability, sets out from his village to bring his drafted brother home.
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A budding politician has devious plans to rise in the ranks — until an unexpected new presence begins to interfere with his every crooked move.
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A budding politician has devious plans to rise in the ranks — until an unexpected new presence begins to interfere with his every crooked move.
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U Rimu početkom 1970-ih pošteni sudac odluči poduzeti sve što bude potrebno da k pravdi privede korumpiranog industrijalca koji je skrivio smrt mlade žene.
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Kad se siromašna obitelj suoči s tragedijom, spremno prihvati sve što im se u situaciji nudi.
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Drug abuse and the darker side of Punjab rear their heads in the intense, interwoven tales of a cop, a doctor, a migrant worker and a rock star.
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