Drame o socijalnim problemima: 440 naslova


theaters Up North

You can take a slick heir out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the heir. Or can you?
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theaters Uppena

Their love is brave and runs deep. But with one man determined to sink their story, troubled waters lie ahead.
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theaters Usporedni životi

In Her Place

Kada čileanska spisateljica María Carolina Geel ubije ljubavnika, slučaj zapne za oko sramežljivoj pravnoj tajnici Mercedes te se dvije žene neočekivano povežu.
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theaters Ustav Republike Hrvatske

The Constitution

Splet događaja prisili četvoro susjeda u Zagrebu da se povežu te međusobno suoče svoje različite sustave vrijednosti i perspektive.
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theaters Vaathi

When a private school teacher is assigned to a neglected public school, he must overcome personal and political strife in his fight for education.
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theaters Vaathi (Hindi)

When a private school teacher is assigned to a neglected public school, he must overcome personal and political strife in his fight for education.
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theaters Vaathi (Kannada)

When a private school teacher is assigned to a neglected public school, he must overcome personal and political strife in his fight for education.
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theaters Vaathi (Malayalam)

When a private school teacher is assigned to a neglected public school, he must overcome personal and political strife in his fight for education.
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theaters Vatrena ekipa

The Brigade

Ova topla drama smještena na jugu Francuske prikazuje svakodnevne muke i junaštvo vatrogasne postrojbe tijekom sezone ljetnih šumskih požara.
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theaters Važno je voljeti

That Most Important Thing: Love

Nezadovoljna glumica prihvaća uloge koje joj pronalazi suprug... sve dok ne upozna fotografa koji se zaljubi u nju i osigura joj ulogu u „Rikardu III.”
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theaters Velika ekskluziva


Ova serija nadahnuta stvarnim događajima daje nam insajderske informacije o tome kako su žene iz emisije „Newsnight” osigurale zloglasni intervju s princem Andrewom.
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theaters Veliki momci ne plaču

Big Boys Don't Cry

Mladić koji je odrastao u nasilnu dječjem domu mora se prisjetiti svoje turbulentne prošlosti nakon što smrt njegova dječačkog prijatelja dovede do policijske istrage.
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theaters Vera Drake

Vera Drake provodi dane brinući se o svojoj radničkoj obitelji. No Vera ima i tajnu stranu: posjećuje žene i pomaže im da naprave pobačaj.
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theaters Vešomat

The Laundromat

Their firm was the dirty little secret of the filthy rich. Then 21 people died. To uncover the truth, one widow follows the money.
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theaters Vida privada - capítol 1

Private Life - Part 1

U Barceloni 1929. sin propadajućeg aristokrata svoj bijedan džeparac dopunjuje ispunjavajući tajne želje baruna i njegove supruge, novopečenih bogataša.
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theaters Vida privada - capítol 2

Privaye Life - Part 2

Zbog jedne smrti Frederic započne novi život na selu. Guillem zavodi Conxu. Maria Lluïsa odluči biti samostalna moderna žena.
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theaters Virata Parvam

Captivated by the poems of a renegade warrior on a lethal mission, a naive yet defiant young woman follows her heart into the depths of a revolution.
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theaters Virata Parvam (Tamil)

Captivated by the poems of a renegade warrior on a lethal mission, a naive yet defiant young woman follows her heart into the depths of a revolution.
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