Nezavisni filmovi: 333 naslova


theaters Kuthiraivaal

A man wakes up from a strange dream with a horse tail attached to his body and begins a mind-bending journey to disentangle the real from the imagined.
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theaters La diosa del asfalto

A woman from a tough neighborhood outside Mexico City comes home a rock star, inadvertently provoking a confrontation with the ghosts of her past.
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theaters Lady J

He toyed with her heart. Now she's returning the favor. And she knows exactly how to get under his skin.
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theaters Lignja i kit

The Squid and the Whale

This insightful drama looks at the crumbling marriage between a self-centered novelist -- whose career is waning -- and his up-and-coming writer wife.
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theaters Linin dnevnik

Bitter Sweetheart

Skromna tinejdžerka žudi da odraste, no mora izbjeći opasnosti nespretnih ljubavi, čudnih prijateljstava i skrivenih osjećaja.
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theaters Lionheart

The family company's on the brink of bankruptcy. It's up to a determined daughter to make sure the legacy lives on.
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theaters Los amores cobardes

Coward Love

Nakon gadnog prekida mlada žena odluči provesti ljeto u svojem rodnom gradu, gdje je dočekaju majka, najbolja prijateljica i muškarac iz prošlosti.
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theaters Los chicos del puerto

The Kids from the Port

Kada ga djed zamoli da odnese jaknu na grob starog prijatelja, Miguel i njegovi besperspektivni prijatelji dobiju i više nego što su tražili.
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theaters Luckasta ljubav

Mad Love

U ovoj posveti „Idiotu” F. Dostojevskog pljačkaš banaka upozna muškarca sa psihičkim problemima koji se zaljubi u njegovu djevojku.
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theaters Ludo

Four people are trapped into playing an ancient game of leather, glass and bone. Survival is the winner's only prize.
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theaters Lusala

Abused as a child and adopted by an affluent family in Nairobi, a young man is forced to start anew on his own and faces demons from his troubled past.
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theaters Ljeto je završilo

Summer's Over

Novo prijateljstvo obogatilo mu je život, ali jedna sudbonosna odluka mogla bi ugroziti njegova novog poznanika.
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theaters Ljubav 1. Pas

Love 1. Dog

Živio je samotnim životom, ali nakon dolaska neočekivane družice više ne može zamisliti život bez nje.
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theaters Ljubav, itd.

Love, etc.

Sramežljivi bankovni službenik Benoît javi se na oglas i spetlja s Marie, koja postane središte ljubavnog trokuta s Benoîtovim prijateljem Pierreom.
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theaters Malcolm i Marie

Malcolm & Marie

Njemu se smiješi holivudska slava. Ona mu je pomogla u usponu. Jedna burna noć ispitat će granice njihove ljubavi.
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theaters Mali Jakub

Little Jacob

On je nepozvani gost u nečijem domu. No ovaj će mu stranac pomoći da se suoči s bolnim uspomenama koje je potisnuo.
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theaters Maršal

Marshal Tito's Spirit

Na malom hrvatskom otoku policajac istražuje slučaj navodnog ukazanja duha komunističkog revolucionarnog vođe Tita.
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