theaters Amateur
He's got the talent to be a star. But to make it in a cutthroat world, he'll have to play a big game -- on and off the court.
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He's got the talent to be a star. But to make it in a cutthroat world, he'll have to play a big game -- on and off the court.
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This short film follows the forbidden encounter of two star-crossed lovers, an Arab man and a woman of Anatolian origin.
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Saznavši da ima dvojnicu koja joj je preuzela život, mlada žena rastrgana je između vraćanja svojeg identiteta i prihvaćanja nove anonimnosti.
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A 7-year-old child struggles to endure a life marked by three contradicting forces: a domineering father, an ambitious mother and a flamboyant cook.
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Skupina ljudi useli se u bunker kako bi se pripremili za Sudnji dan. Prije no što ih uništi apokalipsa, to bi mogla učiniti njihova narcisoidnost, deluzija i ljubomora.
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A scandalous video triggers a crisis for a couple working in a factory, unleashing unexpected conflicts in their personal and professional lives.
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Lust. Sex. Greed. Betrayal. In the brothels beyond Bollywood, there exists a city few have seen.
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Injustice looms over the city. Love's fire burns. As the past possesses the present, what becomes of the future?
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An aspiring yet luckless filmmaker begins to narrate a series of unsettling tales to his friends while the evening takes a disturbing turn.
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In Delhi, friends from Northeast India prepare a pungent delicacy for a wedding party, sparking conflict and comedy with their unaccustomed neighbors.
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Aya enjoys flying kites with her friends, but her childhood is constrained by the fanatic beliefs of her father, who considers attending school a sin.
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Umire od dosade na glupom poslu. Gadi joj se konzumeristička kultura. Traži novi smisao... I pridružuje se novom čoporu.
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Bavarska turistkinja sprijatelji se s vlasnikom kafića-motela u pustinji Mojave. Par s vremenom pretvori oronuli kafić u hit-mjesto.
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Kada postariji par naloži stanarima svoje zgrade u Barceloni da se odsele, na vidjelo počnu izlaziti tajne iz njihovih usamljenih života.
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Dječak ostaje bez obitelji zbog okrutnog rata. Vođa plaćenika oduzima mu mladost. U ovom ratu demoni dolaze po sve.
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The pain of real life. The promise of raw talent. And a dream that has to be heard to be believed.
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Mlada pjevačica na pragu obećavajuće karijere nađe se rastrgana između dominantne obitelji, poslovnih pritisaka i ljubavi prema djevojci.
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A border cop’s assignment to stop migrant workers from crossing during a lockdown erupts into a fight for humanity amid prejudice and suffering.
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Nakon što joj se dečko privremeno preseli u London, mlada se žena duboko poveže s novim cimerom: druželjubivim nizozemskim fotografom.
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Bruno, a teen from a modest neighborhood, faces the dual weight of adolescent trials and a degenerative illness that will one day take his sight.
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