Nezavisni filmovi: 333 naslova


theaters The Cemil Show

A postal security guard aspiring to be an actor auditions to play the villain in a classic remake. Soon the line between fiction and reality blurs.
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theaters The Discovery

Science, suicide and the meaning of life weave together in a mind-bending mystery. It all comes down to love.
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theaters The Lift Boy

When a lazy young man replaces his father as the elevator operator of a posh residential complex, what he sees as menial work soon takes on new meaning.
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theaters The Man on the Other Side

U ovom špijunskom trileru smještenom u doba Hladnog rata tajna policija zarobi tajnicu iz Zapadne Njemačke koja pomaže svojem dečku u krađi vladinih dokumenata.
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theaters The Road

Tired of Beirut's constant transformation, a young married couple takes a nostalgic road trip to Lebanon's untouched mountains and deserted villages.
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theaters The Shadow

Haunted by an otherworldly phenomena plaguing her sick 9-year-old son, a mother takes desperate measures to save his life.
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theaters Three of Us

When a woman with early-onset dementia visits her hometown with her husband, buried memories and a former love pave a poignant path through her past.
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