Nezavisni filmovi: 357 naslova


theaters Elling

Elling 1: Brødre i blodet

Svakodnevni život svakomu može predstavljati velik izazov. Njemu je svaki dan gotovo neizdrživ.
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theaters Erozija


Izgubivši dijete, a gotovo i vlastiti život, tijekom poroda, novinarka sama tuguje kod kuće. Kada doživi uznemirujuće vizije i jezive napade, počne se psihički raspadati.
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theaters Estocolmo

Šarmantni Él i ne tako poletna Ella sa zabave ode u noćni đir po gradu i otisnu se na putovanje koje će im promijeniti živote.
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theaters Ex machina

Ex Machina

Programer osvoji jednotjedni odmor u luksuznoj kući direktora svoje tehnološke tvrtke, gdje dobije zadatak testirati novu umjetnu inteligenciju.
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theaters Eyes of a Thief

After a decade in prison, a Palestinian man with a dark secret returns to the West Bank and searches for the daughter he lost long ago.
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theaters Facing Mecca

Dead set on burying his wife in accordance with Muslim rites, a Syrian man gets hurdled by Swiss bureaucracy, but pensioner Roli offers a creative fix.
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theaters Falafel

In Beirut, a city haunted by war, a young man's simple quest to meet a woman at an after-hours party takes on sinister overtones as true danger looms.
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theaters Fan Girl

An infatuated fan finds an unexpected way to meet her celebrity crush and discovers a dark reality behind the facade of fame and her fantasy world.
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theaters Fanatyk

Most fishermen catch fish. His father reels in trouble. Can this son find the bait to lure his dad to safer shores?
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theaters Farha

After persuading her father to continue her education in the city, a Palestinian girl's dream is shattered by the harrowing developments of the Nakba.
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theaters First Match

She's tough in more ways than one. And what she'll face on the mat is nothing compared to life outside the gym.
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theaters Four

Poslovni čovjek angažira prepredenog privatnog detektiva da otme ljubavnika njegove žene i odvede ga u napušteno skladište kako bi mu se osvetio.
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theaters Freaks: Jedno od nas

Freaks – You're One of Us

Ugnjetavana. Prezrena. Ugrožena. Nije svjesna svoje snage... I ne zna hoće li donijeti spas ili uništenje.
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theaters Ghodwa

As his health worsens and his turbulent past comes back to haunt him, a Tunisian man finds himself reconnecting with his estranged teenage son.
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theaters Girl Clock!

Obožavateljica putovanja koja se boji obvezivanja odluči postati majka u 40-ima i unovači dvije najbolje prijateljice da joj pomognu svladati Majku Prirodu.
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theaters Gospodin T.

Mister T.

Apsurd komunizma. Konstantan nadzor. Spisateljska blokada. On se nosi s time noseći samo najtamnije leće.
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theaters Gradski kauboj

Concrete Cowboy

Buntovni tinejdžer pronađe dom među konjima, stajama i kaubojima koji žive u gradu te se dodatno poveže s ocem.
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