Nezavisni filmovi: 333 naslova


theaters Blue Kids

Nakon što njihova smrtno bolesna majka ostavi naslijeđe njihovom ocu, brat i sestra poduzimaju ekstremne i opasne mjere kako bi ga priskrbili sebi.
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theaters Bog šume

El dios de madera

Dvojica neprijavljenih imigranata zajedno stignu u Valenciju, sprijatelje se i upoznaju stariju ženu koja je na putovanju ljubavi i vjere.
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theaters Boi

He has to deliver for his clients, win back his ex and find the time to find himself. Hurry, Boi -- the clock is ticking.
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theaters Bomb Scared

They're out to make a strong statement ... which for this brainless bunch is that they're Europe's most inept terrorists.
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theaters Brusnice


U ovom klasičnom filmu Percyja Adlona androgena mlada Eskimka Kotz razvije neobičan i neočekivan odnos s njemačkom imigranticom i gradskom knjižničarkom Roswithom.
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theaters Buka


Tražeći svoju nestalu kćer, majka pronađe mrežu potpore zahvaljujući kojoj se zbliži s drugim ženama čije je živote uništilo nasilje.
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theaters Burning Sands

He sees the fraternity as a path to dignity and pride. The burning sands of hazing prove to be a terrible trial by fire.
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theaters Cactus Flower

An eviction into the streets of Cairo starts a dreamlike journey for a young actor, an elderly diva and a streetwise youth as they search for home.
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theaters Cam

Her online life's been stolen. Her real life's unraveling. There's only one way out: beat the impersonator at her own game.
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theaters Cargo

Aboard a spaceship where souls of the deceased are readied for reincarnation, a lone crew member’s rigid existence is disrupted by a spry new assistant.
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theaters Chaos, Disorder

In a deprived Cairo neighborhood where survival is for the fittest, a young woman gets caught in a risky love triangle with two competitive men.
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theaters Chopsticks

She lost her car. But she found a crook who could cook, a goat-loving gangster ... and a side of herself she never knew.
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theaters Cinema Bandi

A struggling rickshaw driver’s life takes a rollicking turn when he comes upon an expensive camera and decides to make a film with his fellow villagers.
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theaters Circle

You're in a torture chamber with 50 people. Victims are dropping like flies. But you can save one. Who will it be?
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theaters Cold November

U burnim vremenima političkih promjena arhivist mora donijeti tešku odluku: dati otkaz i dokazati da je domoljub ili nastaviti raditi kako bi prehranio svoju obitelj.
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theaters Come Sunday

He spent his life saving lost souls, then tragedy strikes. Now it's this preacher's turn to wander in the wilderness.
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theaters Coming Forth by Day

Days before Egypt's revolution, this film follows 24 hours in the life of a woman in Cairo exhausted from family commitments and yearning for a change.
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