Komedije: 2108 naslova


theaters ¡Ay, mi madre!

A funeral with flamenco. Marriage in less than a month. To get her inheritance, she must honor her mother's last wishes.
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theaters ¡Que viva México!

Saznavši da je umro njegov djed rudar, Pancho se sa suprugom i djecom vrati u rodni gradić... gdje prepirke s rođacima oko nasljedstva završe kaotično.
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theaters (Gotovo) legende

The (Almost) Legends

Dvojica polubraće u zanimljivom meksičkom gradiću. Romeo i Preciado ponovo se sastanu kako bi odali počast ocu u automobilističkoj utrci punoj adrenalina i banda glazbe.
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theaters (Ne)sretne sestre

(Un)lucky Sisters

Nakon što im otac neočekivano umre, dvije otuđene sestre povežu se kada pronađu njegovu ogromnu zalihu love iza zida. Trebaju li je zadržati?
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theaters (Ne)ugodno s korisnim

Disaster Holiday

Otac radoholičar koji se želi ponovo zbližiti s djecom ode na važan poslovni sastanak u obalni grad Durban... pod izlikom da se radi o obiteljskom odmoru.
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theaters #realityhigh

When your new boyfriend's ex suddenly wants to be your BFF, watch out -- especially if she has 9 million followers!
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theaters #Selfie

It was the trip of their lives. But for them, making memories means making a few mistakes.
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theaters 10 000 sati

10000 Hours

Dobitnik na lutriji s mnogo slobodnog vremena želi ostvariti svoj san i postati profesionalni nogometaš tako što će tom cilju posvetiti 10 000 sati treninga.
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theaters 1000 km od Božića

1000 Miles from Christmas

Revizor koji prezire Božić zbog posla je poslan u gradić u kojem upozna ženu odlučnu promijeniti njegov pogled na taj blagdan.
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theaters 12 ljeta

A Dozen Summers

Dvanaestogodišnje blizanke preotmu dječji film kako bi ispričale svoju priču u kojoj se bore protiv nasilnika, odlaze na loše spojeve te smišljaju psine vlastitom tati.
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theaters 13: Mjuzikl

13: The Musical

Preselivši se iz New Yorka u Indianu nakon razvoda roditelja, lukavi osnovnoškolac odluči prirediti najbolju bar micvu u povijesti.
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theaters 15 August

It’s a day to observe their country’s freedom. This year, some heartache -- and hilarity -- may help them find their own.
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theaters 18 godina kasnije

18 Years Later

S nepunih 18 godina i jedan otac ti je previše. Marie, nažalost, ima trojicu, a ona je samo jedna.
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theaters 4L

For the perfect desert road trip, all they needed were friends -- old and new -- and a zest for adventure. But also: a lot of water.
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theaters 4N1K Düğün

Right before her wedding, a bride loses her memory due to an accident — and her groom must scramble to win her heart again before the big day.
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theaters 5 Star Christmas

Away from their spouses. Away from nosy reporters. It's a foolproof plan for a Christmastime tryst -- what could go wrong?
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theaters 7 žena i ubojstvo

7 Women and a Murder

Nakon što je njihov obiteljski patrijarh izboden, sedam žena od kojih svaka ima skrivene namjere, zaglavi u kući i mora riješiti njegovo zagonetno ubojstvo.
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theaters A Breath of Fresh Air

Salvo wants to save his bankrupt pizzeria. Lillo wants to save the family farm. The two estranged brothers must come together when their father dies.
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