theaters Alex Fernández: The Best Comedian in the World
Graphic and irreverent. Touching and poignant. Alex Fernández hits the sweet spot with amusing stories about his life and family.
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Graphic and irreverent. Touching and poignant. Alex Fernández hits the sweet spot with amusing stories about his life and family.
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He loves his girlfriend. And she's eager to devirginize him. So why can't he stop thinking about the boy he just met?
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A Saudi security guard concocts a ponzi scheme to hustle his way into unimaginable wealth, and has a little too much fun doing it.
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Tinejdžer nakon očeve smrti ode u New York potražiti svoju otuđenu majku i na neočekivanim mjestima nađe ljubav i prijateljstvo.
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She's fierce, filthy and very pregnant. And after finally finding her Mr. Perfect, she dreams of never working again.
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Ali Wong u svojem trećem stand-up specijalu na Netflixu otkriva svoje najluđe maštarije, izazove monogamije i stavove o solo ljudima.
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She came. She shocked. She had a baby. Now she's doing it all again, and she's bitter as hell.
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To save face for his family, he bent the truth. Now everyone thinks he's a catch. But he risks losing the girl he loves.
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Tri žene na dramatičan način pobjegnu iz doma umirovljenika i započnu novi život na zabačenom irskom otoku.
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Ove četiri priče istražuju muljaže i prevare, od kradljivaca guma koji upadnu na svadbu do grozničavog pokušaja jednog čovjeka da zakopa tajnu svojeg pokojnog prijatelja.
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Popular Spanish comedians take the stage — and pick up the phone — to honor the esteemed Miguel Gila, re-creating his most beloved stand-up performances.
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He's a naive romantic. She's clearly out of his league. His heart isn't the only thing that's about to come under siege.
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A recent high school graduate struggles to navigate life's big questions around college, employment, marriage, and the future.
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Set in the 90s, seventeen-year-old Vivek is sent away from home to attend a rigorous program to prepare for the highly competitive IIT entrance exams.
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He's geeky. She's popular. But he's figured out how to score points with her: soccer!
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Beskrupulozni prodavač osiguranja na sve moguće načine pokušava napredovati u karijeri i podignuti svoju obitelj na društvenoj ljestvici.
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Obiteljsko okupljanje pođe po zlu kada par objavi nešto što prisili njihovu djecu da donesu odluke koje će im promijeniti život.
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Kada jedna od njih navrši trideset godina, četiri prijateljice shvate da nisu ispunile očekivanja i odluče pretvoriti svoje najluđe snove u javu.
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In a town divided into two opposing groups, a man and woman from opposite sides fall for each other. But can love transcend the line that separates them?
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Po povratku na Havaje zbog lansiranja satelita nabavljač vojne opreme ubrzo se zaljubi i u svoju bivšu ljubav i u živahnu vojnu pratnju.
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