Komedije: 2273 naslova


theaters Adios Amigo

Adios Amigos

Trojica prijatelja s invaliditetom, bez seksualnog iskustva, krenu na putovanje u Španjolsku u nadi da će izgubiti nevinost.
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theaters Adios Amigo

When fate brings two strangers from different worlds together, they go on an impromptu journey, learning about life and each other along the way.
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theaters Adiós con el corazón

Goodbye from the Heart

Sredovječni ženskaroš Juan jedva se uspijeva uzdržavati karizmom i kockarskim vještinama... sve dok se ne pojavi Caty, koja tvrdi da mu je kći začeta prije 20 godina.
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theaters Agak Laen

Four friends running a haunted house search for new ways to scare visitors, but hijinks ensue when they take things a step too far.
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theaters Agencija za slomljena srca

The Heartbreak Agency

Skeptični novinar radi članka nevoljko prihvati sudjelovanje u terapiji za slomljena srca te na kraju otvori srce šarmantnoj terapeutkinji.
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theaters Ahmed Notre Dame

To catch a murderer on the run, a journalist disguises himself as a character inspired from the killer’s favorite tale: The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
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theaters AI Love You

Napredni program umjetne inteligencije zbog pogreške u softveru zaljubi se u mladu ženu i prebjegne u tijelo muškarca u želji da osvoji njezino srce.
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theaters Airplane Mode

What's life without likes? This social media influencer is about to discover there's plenty of joy in "missing out."
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theaters Aiyyaa

The realities of the world she lives in are no match for the possibilities that exist in her mind.
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theaters AK vs AK

Drski filmaš protiv omiljene zvijezde. Bez probe. Bez ponovljenih scena. Filmski će život postati previše stvaran.
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theaters Aki and Paw Paw

Relocating to the vibrant city of Lagos, two troublesome brothers search for social media fame after crossing paths with a powerful influencer.
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theaters Ako Gargiulo sazna

If Gargiulo Finds Out

Medicinska sestra udana za nasljednika iz ugledne obitelji zađe u kriminalno podzemlje Napulja kako bi svojeg oca izbavila od kockarskog duga.
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theaters Al óleo

Oil on Canvas

Slikarica novakinja María dovede svojeg dečka Julija u obiteljsku vikendicu na vikend koji će im zauvijek promijeniti živote.
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theaters Alakada Reloaded

To cope with her feelings of inferiority, a woman from an impoverished family tells tall tales of her wealth and influence to upgrade her social status.
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theaters Alan Saldaña: U zatvoru smijeha

Alan Saldaña: Locked Up

Meksički komičar Alan Saldaña vratio se, šali se na vlastiti račun i dijeli savjete, posebice o tome kako ostati oženjen i kako postati roditelj.
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