theaters Ante Sundaraniki (Tamil)
When sparks fly between childhood friends Sundar and Leela, they hatch a plan to persuade their conservative families to accept an interfaith romance.
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When sparks fly between childhood friends Sundar and Leela, they hatch a plan to persuade their conservative families to accept an interfaith romance.
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He finds humor in the darkest corners of everyday life, and takes it places you never see coming. A deadpan comedy master.
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In his world, there's no such thing as too dark or too soon. A night of twisted comedy with a master provocateur.
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Kada se pompozan student umjetnosti sprijatelji s ratobornom 60-godišnjakinjom u zamjenu za smještaj i hranu, započne komična borba snaga volje.
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Mlada romansa Viktora i Anje na velikom je iskušenju kada se ona preseli u grad i dobije dobar posao u tvrtki gdje joj radi bivši dečko.
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Here’s a travel tip: If you ever go to Europe and someone throws a baby at you, whatever you do, don’t catch it.
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Pateći u nesretnom braku, frustriran par pronađe nadu u zabavnoj aplikaciji koja nagrađuje dobra djela... ali opsesivno sakupljanje bodova moglo bi uništiti sve.
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Skupina ljudi useli se u bunker kako bi se pripremili za Sudnji dan. Prije no što ih uništi apokalipsa, to bi mogla učiniti njihova narcisoidnost, deluzija i ljubomora.
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President Santos. Sofía Vergara. Argentines. No one escapes the attention of this politically incorrect Colombian duo.
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In the 1970s, 11-year-old Margaret navigates new friendships, family life, questions of faith — and the agony of waiting for puberty to finally arrive.
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Nacionalni kompleksi, zeznute himne, holivudski prikaz Asgarda... Domišljati komičarski specijal o različitim nacijama.
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He's getting older, but not growing up. A comedy two-for-one from a guy who hasn't taken the usual route in life.
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Arlo je kao i svi drugi: voli prijatelje, nedostaje mu obitelj i živi za pustolovinu. Nema veze što je napola aligator.
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An old school comic takes on modern society. Arsenio's back with eye-opening takes on music, media, race and Ambien.
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Poisoned by a strange scientist posing as a soup vendor, a middle-aged father transforms into a superhero ready to fight evil and save the world.
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U seriji o postavljanju drame o gradu skupina pametnih tinejdžera i njihovi roditelji umorni od života dođu gledati zvijezde na mjestu na kojem je pao asteroid.
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After two sisters lose their mother, their lives turn upside down when they move in with an aunt who works as a professional mourner.
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In Delhi, friends from Northeast India prepare a pungent delicacy for a wedding party, sparking conflict and comedy with their unaccustomed neighbors.
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In his eclectic debut special, Ayo “AY” Makun hilariously holds forth on eccentric pastors, media bias and the untold wonders of medical payment plans.
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Comic chaos abounds when a simple misunderstanding causes two neighbors to transform from friends into enemies.
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