81 naslov je uklonjeno 1. travnja 2018.

Uklonjeno 1. travnja 2018.


theaters Beyond JFK

Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, who acted alone. Or so goes the official story. The truth is out there.
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theaters Bilo jednom u Americi

Once Upon a Time in America

Desetljećima nakon što se u 1920-ima s prijateljima uspeo do vrha svijeta gangstera, mafijaš se prestane skrivati i vrati se na Manhattan suočiti se s prošlošću.
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theaters Brazil


He's a lowly clerk in a dystopian society. The last things he expected were to fall in love and become a wanted man.
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theaters Brzi i žestoki 6

Fast & Furious 6

Vozač uličnih utrka Dominic Toretto i njegova ekipa koriste svoje vozačke vještine za veliku pljačku i jurnjavu ulicama Europe.
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theaters Brzi i žestoki 7

Furious 7

Tim odmetnika koji vole brzinu živi normalnim životima, no čovjek željan osvete istjerat će ih iz udobnosti doma.
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theaters Cobb


Some call him the greatest baseball player who ever lived. But the man behind the legend was far from perfect.
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theaters Codegirl

It's a $77 billion industry that's 80 percent male. One worldwide tech contest tries to narrow the gender gap.
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theaters Crni sati

The Darkest Hour

Nakon što tuđinska vrsta devastira svijet, petero preživjelih na ulicama Moskve udruži snage kako bi uzvratilo udarac.
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theaters Crni vitez

Black Knight

A knight whose only mission is taking tourists' money finds himself face-to-face with a noble cause.
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theaters Dečko iz susjedstva

The Boy Next Door

Odnedavno samohrana majka upusti se u strastvenu vezu s prijateljem svojeg sina tinejdžera, no ta loša ideja pokaže se još i gorom nakon što njihov odnos postane nasilan.
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theaters Dežurni otac


He thought toting a van full of kids to school would be the worst part of his busy morning. Boy, was he ever wrong.
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theaters Divlja vožnja

Joy Ride

The desert's wide open. But the smallest slight can catch the attention of a psycho with no face and big wheels.
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theaters Djeca Manhattana

Little Manhattan

They've known each other since they were little kids, but they're suddenly seeing each other through new eyes.
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theaters Druga nagrada

Second Best

An emotionally stunted middle-aged man. An emotionally abused 10-year-old boy. Slowly, they're becoming family.
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theaters Empire Records

Empire Records

It's the last independent record store in Delaware. Check your uniforms and dorky corporate attitude at the door.
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theaters Vidimo se u snovima

I'll See You in My Dreams

Nakon što joj premine voljeni pas, 70-godišnjakinja koja živi sama potraži društvo na mjestu na koje dugo nije zalazila: u svijetu spojeva.
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theaters Imitator


Two professional women. Their similarities end there. But to outsmart this killer, they'll need to think like a team.
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theaters Ispitivanje

Q and A

The son of a hero cop, he's fighting the good fight. Now, this DA must take down one of NYPD's favorite officers.
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theaters Jadni Joe

Joe Somebody

This mild-mannered guy kicks things up a notch to fight the office bully. Until he starts to wonder who's the bully now.
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theaters Jem i Hologrami

Jem and the Holograms

After becoming an overnight star via the internet, teenage rocker Jem and her sisters journey to LA, where fame, fun and a family mystery await.
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theaters JFK

There's the official story, and then there's the truth. The truth is always more interesting -- and more dangerous.
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theaters Klijent

The Client

Being a witness is dangerous for a boy. Now two faces of justice aim to protect him ... or exploit him.
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theaters Klopka


Umirovljeni lopov uplete se u nestanak neprocjenjive slike, a istražiteljica osiguravajuće kuće postavi mu zamku kako bi ga ulovila.
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theaters Kollek

As a child, his family escaped the Nazis. As an adult, this passionate politician shaped a nation's destiny.
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theaters Kontrolori leta

Pushing Tin

Their job is beyond intense, ultrastressful, with a high burnout rate. Maybe that's why they love it so much.
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theaters Kralj komedije

The King of Comedy

He's an ordinary loser who feels destined for TV. So when his comedy idol says no, he'll do anything to get a yes.
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theaters Kraljevi mamba

The Mambo Kings

Two brothers brought the Cuban beat to 1950s New York with hot music, dancing and romance that won't stop smoldering.
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theaters Kvragu i ljubav

Down with Love

A swinging 1960s playboy and a modern liberated woman. When they come together, role models won't have a chance.
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theaters Legenda


In a struggle between light and shadow, winning is everything. Fear the Lord of Darkness. And fiddle-playing elves.
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theaters Lovac na Sunce

The Sunchaser

He's got everything a man could possibly want in life. It will take a crime to show him what he's missing.
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theaters Ljubavnica Venecije

Dangerous Beauty

Kada joj zabrane da se uda za ljubavnika plemića, pučanka u Veneciji 16. stoljeća ima samo dva izbora: pridružiti se samostanu ili postati kurtizana.
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theaters Ne reci ni riječ

Don't Say a Word

To save his kid, a frantic shrink needs fast info -- but it's locked in his demented patient's head. She'll never tell.
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theaters Nebo i zemlja

Heaven and Earth

The war was over for some, but for this young Vietnamese woman, the struggle for a life in America was just beginning.
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theaters Nesalomljivi


Olimpijska trkačka zvijezda Louis Zamperini postane pilot u Drugom svjetskom ratu. Kad ga zarobe Japanci, mora proći pakao kako bi preživio.
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theaters Novo doba

The New Age

They're on a spiritual quest to find inner peace and enlightenment. They're just looking in all the wrong places.
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theaters Odklikana


Šestero tinejdžera zbog čijeg se maltretiranja na interneta njihova kolegica ubila i sami postanu metom smrtonosnog vrebača.
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theaters Optužen bez dokaza

Guilty by Suspicion

The government threatened him, ruining his life and career. But what they wanted, he couldn't surrender: his principles.
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theaters Orašar

George Balanchine's The Nutcracker

Sugar plum fairies, marching toy soldiers, dazzling ballerinas: For one little girl, Christmas is a magical adventure.
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theaters Oriented

The lives, challenges and conflicted feelings of three gay Palestinian men are documented in this film shot in 2014 in a divided Tel Aviv, Israel.
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theaters Ostani mrtav


Planning to commit suicide, he's skipping through time and reality. He may lose his mind before he can take his life.
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theaters Peninsula Mitre

This film documents the Azulay brothers' grueling 53-day hike to Argentina's Cape San Diego, where they hope to surf untried, world-class waves.
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theaters Pod opsadom 2

Under Siege 2: Dark Territory

He left a counterterrorism career to relax, but a supervillain just jacked his vacation train. So much for retirement.
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theaters Prekid

Breaking Up

Break up, make up, break up. It's the story of their lives, but they're hoping for a happy ending.
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theaters San Ivanjske noći

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Love is complicated enough proposition to begin with, but once mischievous fairies start working their magic, it's an absolute disaster.
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theaters Sedam duša

Seven Pounds

His promise to help seven strangers lighten their burdens is a heavy load. Heavier still is the method of his kindness.
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theaters Sedam želja


Who needs a soul when you get seven wishes? But be careful what you wish for, especially when dealing with a sexy devil.
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theaters Sommersby

A Confederate soldier returns home to find he's haunted ... by the man he was before he left for battle.
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theaters Straight Outta Compton

Rap grupa N.W.A. sredinom 1980-ih svojom sirovom i provokativnom autentičnošću uzdiže se s ulica Comptona i iz temelja mijenja hip-hop kulturu.
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theaters Stripper

They take off their clothes in public for money. In private, the lives of these strippers are not what you might expect.
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theaters That Night

Her older neighbor is passionate and wild. For this picked-on young girl, she's also the gateway to growing up.
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theaters The Second Woman

When Bao falls ill while rehearsing for her boyfriend's play, her jealous twin, Xiang, steps in to take over her role -- and possibly much more.
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ondemand_video Timmy

Timmy Time

A little lamb learns things can get messy when he's looking for fun. Good thing he's got friends to help him out!
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theaters Tjelesna straža

Man on Fire

Guarding a rich kid is the only job this weary ex-CIA agent can land. Mess with her, though, and prepare for vengeance.
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theaters Todo Cambia

Painters, dancers, sculptors, actors. Students at an elite art school craft a nation's cultural heritage.
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theaters Vrijeme ubijanja

A Time to Kill

Odvjetnik iz male sredine na suđenju u Mississippiju brani oca crnca koji se osvetio trojici bijelaca koji su brutalno napali njegovu mladu kćer.
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theaters In the web of deceipt

High Crimes

Kada joj supruga optuže za sudjelovanje u stravičnom ratnom zločinu u El Salvadoru, odvjetnica se udruži s bivšim vojnim odvjetnikom kako bi ga obranila.
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theaters Zamjena


He's slept around. Objectified women. Broken too many hearts to count. Karma can be a beautiful thing.
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theaters Zbogom ljubavniče

Goodbye Lover

A vixen beds her alcoholic mate and his womanizing brother. They're a loving family. If you ignore murder and blackmail.
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theaters Zemlja tigrova


There's just one flaw in his plan to get discharged from the Army and avoid Vietnam: his obvious leadership qualities.
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theaters Život ili nešto slično

Life or Something Like It

U šoku nakon seanse s medijem, uspješna novinarka koji živi za površne životne uspjehe mora razmisliti o svojim prioritetima, ali i svojoj budućnosti.
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