Crne komedije: 207 naslova


theaters Lud za njom

Crazy About Her

Prvo dolaze leptirići u trbuhu. Zatim ne možete prestati razmišljati o njima. Odjednom biste napravili sve za njih!
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theaters Ludo

Otpadnici, propalice, ljubavnici, gubitnici... Svi su oni pijuni u ovoj igri. Jedino što mogu je nastaviti igrati.
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theaters Mamurluk

The Hangover

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas ... when you can't remember what the hell happened the night before.
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theaters Mamurluk 2

The Hangover: Part II

Three dudes wake up in Thailand after an epic bachelor celebration. What happened to the fourth guy?
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theaters Mamurluk 3

The Hangover: Part III

They're back in Sin City ... but this time, it's not all fun and games. They're men on a mission.
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theaters Mandela

Amid a local election with two rivals vying to win by any means necessary, a barber lands in a curiously powerful position as the single deciding vote.
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theaters Masameer - The Movie

A young girl passionate about AI sets out to make an impact as three friends become crime-fighting superheroes. Based on the hit animated web series.
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theaters Mascots

They've got hearts of champions. Souls of artists. Heads of foam. And they're ready for their shot at glory.
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theaters Mjesec u Tajlandu

A Month in Thailand

Mladić na dočeku Nove godine u Bukureštu ostavi svoju nametljivu djevojku i ostatak večeri provede uvjeravajući sam sebe da mu je prava ljubav njegova bivša.
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theaters Moj sin Neron

Nero's Mistress

U ovoj satiričnoj komediji zbunjenom rimskom caru Neronu u neočekivani posjet dođe njegova zastrašujuća majka, što ubrzo dovede do velikih razmirica.
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theaters Money

A vagabond lands a job as a lumberjack working for seven scheming brothers who are after his sudden large inheritance.
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