theaters Bomb Scared
They're out to make a strong statement ... which for this brainless bunch is that they're Europe's most inept terrorists.
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They're out to make a strong statement ... which for this brainless bunch is that they're Europe's most inept terrorists.
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An English-speaking officer from Toronto and a French-speaking cop from Montreal are forced to work together to solve a crime.
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He faked his death, got the girl, won the money. Then karma came calling, demanding that he pay ... for his own murder.
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Aboard a spaceship where souls of the deceased are readied for reincarnation, a lone crew member’s rigid existence is disrupted by a spry new assistant.
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Carlos Ballarta mocks daily life in Mexico, including public transit, the education system and the corn seller who betrays your confidence.
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His career's in a rut. She's bored with suburbia. The last thing their relationship needs is an uninhibited new friend.
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He may not be great at things like reading or talking to babies, but he definitely has a bit of perspective on both comedy and life.
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They're stuck in a rut. But an absurd twist of fate lies between the plight of the living and the wishes of the dead.
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Kada joj otac pošalje neprocjenjivu ikonu koju je ukrao, Maria mora odlučiti hoće li preuzeti nagradu ili zaštititi oca koji ju je napustio.
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Organizirajući prosvjed, Jean-Pascal Zadi iz satiričke se perspektive osvrće na rasnu diskriminaciju i svoj identitet kao crnca iz Francuske.
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Nakon što je ostao predugo budan, Cole doznaje da je njegova seksi dadilja dio sotonističkog kulta koji će učiniti sve da ga ušutka.
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Progonjen od zla, on živi u paklu. Coleu će borba protiv demonskog, krvožednog kulta biti fini odmor od srednje škole.
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Ovo je kampiranje BILO uobičajeno. No napuhana ega zasjenit će sve... Čak i znakove apokalipse.
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The legend is back. Two electrifying master classes in comedy packed into one must-see event.
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He's got stories from rural America. A message for fickle fans. And a plan for saving the country.
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You remember him as the world's worst boss. Now, he's finally living his dream ... as the world's worst rock star.
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Jeering candidates. Tricked-out guns. And get-what-you-get tattoos. A darkly funny journey into America's psyche.
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Short jokes. Big laughs. Beatles haircut. Demetri's nimble mind goes to all sorts of funny and peculiar places.
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Nakon ubojstva bogata markiza glavni su sumnjivci nasljednici iz njegove obitelji, sve dok jedan od njih i sam ne postane metom, kako se čini, istog ubojice.
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S obzirom na to da je zbog smrti Josifa Staljina na dan njihova vjenčanja određeno tiho oplakivanje, pir mladog rumunjskog para poprimi neobičan obrat.
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