theaters Dobro otišla, 2020.
Kreatori serije „Crno zrcalo” donose nam humorističan pregled godine za koju svi želimo da završi čim prije kroz perspektivu najgore informiranih komentatora u povijesti.
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Kreatori serije „Crno zrcalo” donose nam humorističan pregled godine za koju svi želimo da završi čim prije kroz perspektivu najgore informiranih komentatora u povijesti.
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Kad ne baš popularnom čovjeku njegova ljuta žena preotme jedine prijatelje, negdje nešto jednostavno mora puknuti.
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Posebna veza koju dijele sada je počela pucati, ali ništa ne može slomiti njezinu besmrtnu ljubav.
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You know his name. You're about to know his game. The true story of a never-was who became the baddest mother there ever was.
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The real power of a stethoscope. Getting prepped for a maid. Malnourished ghosts. This doctor likes to prescribe laughter.
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Hired as a monkey repeller upon moving to Delhi, a young man struggles to find his footing in his unenviable job and his place in the unforgiving world.
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Pogledavši sa svojom djecom užasan umjetnički film, temperamentni Tonny kreće u potragu za pretencioznim filmašem kako bi zatražio povrat novca.
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A drifter, a drunk, a deputy, a reporter and a single mom are about to experience a wild Christmas they never saw coming.
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They love their wives; they just don't desire them anymore. Maybe a few affairs will help them get that spark back?
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Taking substances with Mom. Text fights with an '80s movie villain. Eric's off-the-wall, surreal take on comedy must be seen to be believed.
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This Chilean comic keeps things edgy and exciting, and springs a few surprises on the Argentinian audience.
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Most fishermen catch fish. His father reels in trouble. Can this son find the bait to lure his dad to safer shores?
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Sex. Drugs. Family. Felipe Esparza takes no prisoners in this one-man comedy special.
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Doživio je golem uspjeh, a ni sam ne može vjerovati u to. No u svoj toj ludnici Felix ostaje čvrsto na zemlji.
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Njegov šef narkobos završio je u zatvoru. Ovaj drski klinac sada mora misliti na posao, a ne na šefovu djevojku.
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Was his father a man -- or a monster? What he discovers is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an egomaniacal thespian enigma.
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Nekad je bio velika zvijezda, a sad je nitko i ništa. Život je zbilja težak za glumca koji odbija prihvatiti stvarnost.
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George is getting older and wiser, and bringing his no-nonsense comic voice to the current state of Latinx culture.
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Deception. Murder. Existential angst. Paper cuts. It's all in a day's work for a gloomy greeting card writer.
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They’re badasses, not babes in the woods. But it’ll take girl-powered teamwork to get them out of this rustic hellscape.
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