theaters A Christmas Special: Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Best friends, unaware they're both superheroes. Or that one's in love with the other. Crime fighting can be complicated.
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Best friends, unaware they're both superheroes. Or that one's in love with the other. Crime fighting can be complicated.
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Join the StoryBots and the space travelers of the historic Inspiration4 mission as they search for answers to kids' questions about space.
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Svako stvorenje zaslužuje pomoć. A kad ih život ne mazi, ona pojuri i u pomoć dolazi!
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Mala znanstvenica Ada Vijugica s dvoje najboljih prijatelja postavlja velika pitanja i radi na otkrivanju istine o svemu!
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Kad se pojavi mračna sila koja bi mogla uništiti Otok jednoroga, hrabra tinejdžerka i njezini školski kolege morat će zaštiti svoju voljenu akademiju za čarolije.
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Što su teretane? Kako se čuvaju djeca? Što je ljubav? Ovim znatiželjnim izvanzemaljcima Zemlja je prepuna tajni.
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The Madagascar jungle’s a never-ending blast with royal party animal King Julien around to shake his booty!
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He's lost the crown, but he's still got the royal feet! And he'll march back in to save his kingdom, whatever it takes.
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He may have a bushy tail and an appetite for acorns, but this little guy has plenty of heart, too.
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Poleti u zabavu s teen pticama Redom, Chuckom, Bombom i Stellom koje cijelo ljeto divljaju po Kampu Splinterwood!
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When you live in the moment, adventure is sure to follow. Meet Archibald, a little chicken with a great big heart.
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When kids have big questions, they get answers. Even if it means traveling to every corner of the earth to find them.
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A lovably mischievous Tyrannosaurus family explores their colorful prehistoric world, having slapstick fun with the silly dinosaurs who live there.
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Ovoj vedroj tinejdžerki život je kao san. Uz obitelj i prijatelje spremne za svaku pustolovinu sve je moguće!
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She's making waves at her new job. Her family's embarking on a seaside adventure. It's about to be a summer to remember!
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Barbie's life must be awesome, right? Here's your chance to hang out with the famous blonde and her pals.
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Enchanting adventures await when Malibu Barbie and Brooklyn Barbie meet a horse with magical powers — and she needs their help with a mysterious mission!
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From the beach to the big city, follow fab friends Malibu and Brooklyn as they have fun, share the spotlight and pursue their musical dreams in NYC!
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Najbolje prijateljice Brooklyn i Malibu jure Europom i rješavaju misterij krađe izložbene kobile dok su na odmoru na engleskome selu.
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The Caped Crusader struggles to overcome his demons while battling Gotham's most notorious villains, including the Joker, Penguin and Harley Quinn.
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