ondemand_video Lego Ninjago film
While fighting foes across Ninjago City and beyond, the ninjas embark on new quests and gain newfound allies as the power of their friendship is tested.
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While fighting foes across Ninjago City and beyond, the ninjas embark on new quests and gain newfound allies as the power of their friendship is tested.
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Dvoje tinejdžera iz različitih svjetova svojim novostečenim ninja moćima štiti zmajeve od zlikovaca koji njihovu životnu silu žele iskoristiti u zle svrhe.
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Air, fire, water, earth and love. Add magical elves and the power of friendship, and these two sisters are unstoppable.
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Mateo, Izzie and their friends stumble into the Dream World, a realm of magic and fantasy where they must use their creativity to fight dark forces.
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Sing along with Baby John and his family to classic nursery rhymes and catchy new songs that help preschoolers learn all about the world.
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Pridruži se zabavi u čarobnom Glazbenom vrtiću, gdje je svaki dan nova pustolovina puna pjesmi prilagođenih djeci... i zanimljivih prilika za učenje!
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Twinkle, Mia, Jacus and the rest of the Nursery Rhyme Friends perform catchy tunes for the little ones.
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Every day's an adventure when you come and play with Llama! He's a curious kid with a caring heart -- and lots to learn.
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Royal Bee surprises her BFFs by buying their favorite diner to turn into a fun-filled hangout spot. This project will be full of unexpected twists!
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Kako bi očuvali svoju blagdansku spektakl-pljačku, g. Vuk i njegova ekipa životinjskih odmetnika moraju brzo oživjeti božićni duh grada!
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Običan tinejdžer. Drevni talisman izvučen iz hrpe kamenja. I podzemna civilizacija koja treba heroja.
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Meet Lucas, a playful and curious jumping spider who loves to have fun and explore with his friends — even if it gets him in a little trouble.
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Talking volcanoes, flying pizzas, tumbling cats. In Luna's twirling, swirling Amazia, the impossible becomes possible!
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She's always reminding others to stop, breathe and believe ... because there's magic in learning from your mistakes!
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She's a funny, curious and fantasy-loving thrill seeker on a quest to explore the big, big world.
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After activating a magical doorway into another world, Sienna embarks on sparkling adventures with colorfully lovable creatures in an enchanted land.
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Na otoku prepunom dinosaura šestero tinejdžera bori se da preživi. Postoji li veća pustolovina?
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Prestižna odijela, dude i nemilosrdna konkurencija. Biti ovoliko sladak teže je negoli izgleda.
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Ted Templeton, odrasli čovjek optužen za korporativni kriminal, pretvori se u Malog šefa i izdaje se za jedno od djece svojeg brata Tima kako bi obavio svoj tajni zadatak.
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In a world of kings and queens, fairies and elves, pirates and gnomes, their friendship is the best magic of all.
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