ondemand_video 1983
The Party is noble and benevolent. Citizens are prosperous and free. But it is all a monstrous lie.
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The Party is noble and benevolent. Citizens are prosperous and free. But it is all a monstrous lie.
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A self-made executive navigates the cutthroat world of advertising, stopping at nothing — no matter how calculating — to become the head of her agency.
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After a shocking tragedy, Grace does what it takes to provide for her younger siblings while beginning a complicated romance with a pastor's son.
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In a justice system that convicts virtually every defendant, one lawyer beats the odds for his clients — no matter how damning the evidence against them.
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Jedva preživljavajući u Bangkoku, muškarac se pridruži ekipi službe spašavanja i shvati da mora otkriti urotu na razini čitava grada.
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One su ambiciozne i snažne. No da bi dospjele do vrha, moraju srušiti vlastite zidove.
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Kada u požaru u noćnom klubu poginu 242 osobe, roditelji žrtava mogu samo tugovati... i izboriti se za pravdu.
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Strastveni tim zdravstvenih djelatnika predan je spašavanju života u užurbanoj javnoj bolnici u kojoj im puls ubrzavaju napetost i romanse.
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After witnessing a murder at a prestigious high school, a girl from a low-income family is given the chance to attend the school to keep her quiet.
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Od nezakonitog kockanja do namještanja mečeva, u ovoj drami nadahnutoj stvarnim događajima otkrij mutni svijet nekoć uglednog sporta tajlandskog boksa.
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Her unexpected rise to power is only the beginning. Now, she must sacrifice everything to hang on to it.
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Nakon što spor oko nafte na Grenlandu preraste u međunarodnu krizu, ministrici vanjskih poslova Birgitte Nyborg karijera visi o koncu.
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Francuska 1914. godine. Dok se njemačke trupe približavaju, a muškarci odlaze na frontove, četiri žene kod kuće se moraju nositi sa stravičnim posljedicama rata.
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She wants to do the right thing. But in this unfamiliar world of violence and corruption, she'll have to get in touch with her dark side first.
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High school’s hard. Streaming her everyday life is even harder. But Candy’s quest for clicks may cost her everything.
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As a chief of staff in the National Assembly, Jang Tae-jun influences power behind the scenes while pursuing his own ambitions to rise to the top.
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Lies. Betrayal. Revenge. A shooting on the streets of London. One unflappable detective races to connect the dots.
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Young love. Cultural disparity. An untimely and suspicious death. These things were clear. What wasn't was the truth.
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Vikramaditya Motwane donosi nam ovu uzbudljivu priču o zatvorskom čuvaru koji odluči iskorijeniti sustavne probleme koji mora zatvor Tihar u New Delhiju.
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Suočen s nemilosrdnim protivnicima i iznenadnim bankrotom, nekretninski tajkun iz Atlante mora se probiti natrag na vrh kad mu se carstvo počne urušavati.
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