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Mladi, slobodni i ludo zaljubljeni. Kao tinejdžerima, čitav svijet bio im je pod nogama, no u odrasloj dobi život djeluje nekako sivo, kao da nedostaje vrlo važan dio.
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Mladi, slobodni i ludo zaljubljeni. Kao tinejdžerima, čitav svijet bio im je pod nogama, no u odrasloj dobi život djeluje nekako sivo, kao da nedostaje vrlo važan dio.
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Tajanstvena tinejdžerica stigne u školu za dječake u Kolumbiji 1970-ih te počne obarati stereotipe, kršiti pravila... i slamati srca.
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Tinejdžericama Juliette i Calliope zaljubljivanje baš i nije pametna ideja: jedna je vampirica, a druga lovkinja na vampire... i obje su spremne za svoj prvi ulov.
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When a jaded TV director meets an equally disenchanted ex-fighter pilot, they bond over failed aspirations and embark on a journey to find new dreams.
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After a chance encounter, four musicians decide to form a quartet and spend the winter sharing a cozy villa in Karuizawa — but a secret hangs over them.
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In the Joseon period, a noblewoman from a powerful clan marries the Crown Prince but is deposed after only seven days as queen when he becomes king.
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Tridesetogodišnjakinja fokusirana na karijeru mora se nositi s okrutnim radnim mjestom, ljubavnim trokutom i majčinim kvocanjem.
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Two survivors of a building collapse discover support and love in each other as they overcome the pain of loss and reconstruct a hopeful future.
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Povremena vlogerica Chu Ai na svom kanalu otvoreno govori o seksu. No otkrije da je u stvarnom životu ta tema puno nezgodnija.
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The year of the Seoul Olympics. The year when neighbors below, above, left and right were all one big family. It's 1988.
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Twelve years after his death, a high school senior makes a shocking return to the lives of his broken family and friends.
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One sister foretells the future, and the other controls time. When a promised love seems doomed to tragedy, the pair sets out to change fate itself.
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An unassuming office lady decides to finally get the relationship experience she lacks. But dating means dealing with men and her inner struggles.
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A gifted writer who's the youngest editor-in-chief ever at his publishing company gets enmeshed in the life of a former copywriter desperate for a job.
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Free spirit Goo Hae-ryung embarks on a new life as a scholar in the Joseon royal court after hearing about a government post for women historians.
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Deusina solistička karijera ugrožava njezinu vezu s Tadeuom. Eva želi da njezine stihove pjeva veliki umjetnik. Njihovi glazbeni snovi uskoro se sudare.
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Nakon selidbe u novi grad, majka mora stvoriti novi život dok se suočava sa svojim najvećim izazovom: pomoći svojih šest kćeri da nađu ljubav.
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The popular series is back, as students contend with new problems and learn life lessons while dealing with the pressures of growing up.
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A wealthy man and a poor stunt girl fall in love. But things get complicated when their souls become inexplicably swapped and dark secrets surface.
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Murder, conspiracy and corruption in Joseon pulls a food-loving secret government agent and a forward-thinking divorcee into an unlikely partnership.
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