ondemand_video Unlucky Ploy
In this remake of the Korean series, a man becomes mired in the lives of two women who happen to share the same name.
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In this remake of the Korean series, a man becomes mired in the lives of two women who happen to share the same name.
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Ona je nevoljan ljubavni cinik, ali opojni šarm zavodljivog kolege s akademije povući će je u prijateljstvo s povlasticama.
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Her writer's block? Intense. Her marriage? Crumbling. Her friendships? The only thing holding her together.
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Napunivši 60 godina, bogata žena iznenada se zaljubi u privlačnog i puno mlađeg muškarca, no njezina obitelj posumnja u njegove namjere.
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Ban Ji-eum može se dovijeka reinkarnirati. Međutim, kada joj 18. život neočekivano završi, odluči u sljedećem pronaći svoju, sada odraslu, ljubav iz djetinjstva.
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Ništa nije onako kako je očekivala: posao, smještaj, novi grad. Međutim, možda je baš to ono što joj je trebalo.
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Naizgled sretan brak počne se raspadati kada se u pitanje dovede muževa vjernost i oba supružnika dođu u iskušenje da si ispune druge želje.
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Lina i Nico prekinu nakon što su mnogo godina bili zajedno. Lina se trudi pronaći novi život i svaki dan malo manje razmišljati o njemu.
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Ožalošćena žena čudesno otputuje u 1998. godinu, gdje susretne muškarca nevjerojatno sličnog svojoj pokojnoj ljubavi.
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Can new lovers save their marriage? This long-married couple takes a leap down a forbidden path.
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Pursuing her dream was the only thing she knew -- but she may find there’s more to life than training and competing.
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Dongbaek is a single mother. When a potential new love enters her life, she finds ways to defy the social stigmas surrounding her.
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Drained from her life in the city, a young cellist moves to a quiet small town, where she encounters an old friend who helps her heal and remake herself.
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She had no friends nor family. Then, as if by magic, everything changed: her school, her home and even her name.
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Love blooms between a beloved prince and a fearless princess as they venture through the war-ridden martial arts world in a fight for justice.
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Reunited as adults, two childhood friends fall madly in love and won't let anything — not even death — tear them apart, in this supernatural love story.
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Kitty, tinejdžerica koja voli spajati ljude, ponovo se susretne s dečkom s kojim je bila u vezi na daljinu u istom internetu koji je pohađala njezina pokojna majka.
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To save his sick sister, he'd do anything for money: a resolve making him an unwitting accomplice in a heinous secret.
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A spirited young woman with a big heart becomes the new live-in tutor for a wealthy household grieving a recent loss.
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A budding love story between a medical student and a nurse takes place in May 1980, during a time of civil unrest and military oppression in Gwangju.
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