Ljubavni filmovi: 970 naslova


theaters Arini by Love.inc

After dedicating years of service at a matchmaking company, Arini tries to piece together her mysterious past — and memories of a former client.
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theaters As If It's True

Hoping to revive her dwindling fame, an influencer stages the perfect romance with a troubled musician — until things start getting a little too real.
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theaters Asoka

This elaborate Bollywood epic dramatizes one man's transformation from a vengeful and cunning warrior into a legendary leader and teacher of Buddhism.
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theaters Au voleur

A Real Life

Sitni lopov Bruno zaljubi se u učiteljicu Isabelle. Vjeruju da mogu živjeti zajedno unatoč njegovoj prošlosti, no u bijegu od policije prisiljeni su otići u divljinu.
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theaters Avantura

Only the Night

Radnik u videoteci postane opsjednut ženom koja mjesečari i na sebe preuzme zadatak da je spasi od katastrofe.
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theaters Ave Maryam

She's a dutiful servant of the Lord. But can this nun's commitment endure the amorous test of the heart?
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theaters Axone

In Delhi, friends from Northeast India prepare a pungent delicacy for a wedding party, sparking conflict and comedy with their unaccustomed neighbors.
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theaters Baby Mamas

They're not related, but their drama as mamas is all the same. Time to come together as sisters.
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theaters Badhaai Do

A gay cop and a lesbian teacher enter a sham marriage to pacify their families but find that relationships — both real and fake — aren’t all that easy.
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theaters Badrinath Ki Dulhania

The entitled son of a wealthy patriarch pursues a driven young woman, but is in for a powerful lesson when she challenges his assumptions about marriage.
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theaters Barbara

Krotki svećenik i senzualna udovica neobičan su par. A još je čudnije to što je ona pokopala već dva muža, oba pastora.
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theaters Bat War

With traditional music banned, a group of childhood friends risk everything to preserve their heritage by playing historical Thai music together.
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theaters Battle

Nakon što joj otac bankrotira, raskošan život mlade plesačice Amalie uruši se. No susret s plesačem hip-hopa Mikaelom u njega unese novi ritam.
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theaters Battle: Freestyle

Amalie je oduševljena kad njezinu i Mikaelovu plesnu družinu pozovu na natjecanje u Pariz, ali je omete susret s otuđenom majkom.
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theaters Been So Long

She's a single mom. He's fresh out of prison. Their chemistry's undeniable -- but are they ready for love? A modern musical.
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theaters Before I Fall

A popular teen's life seemed perfect until she died ... and then died again. Now, she must question everything.
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