Ljubavni filmovi: 970 naslova


theaters A Man Wanted

Eager to fulfill her dream of motherhood before it's too late, a relationship-skeptic banker comes up with an unusual plan to become a single mother.
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theaters A Mulher do Meu Marido

Borderless Love

Životi dva para preokrenu se naglavačke kad se razotkrije afera u koju su svi uključeni. Sve dok jedna izdana strana ne poželi da se stvari opet vrate na staro.
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theaters A Very Royal Wedding

Ovaj dokumentarac kojim se obilježava 70. godišnjica braka kraljice Elizabete i princa Filipa donosi nam arhivske snimke njihova raskošna vjenčanja i brojne intervjue.
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theaters Aay

When a man comes home between COVID lockdowns, he connects with old friends and falls for a woman who feels influenced by her caste while finding love.
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theaters Adiós con el corazón

Goodbye from the Heart

Sredovječni ženskaroš Juan jedva se uspijeva uzdržavati karizmom i kockarskim vještinama... sve dok se ne pojavi Caty, koja tvrdi da mu je kći začeta prije 20 godina.
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theaters Ae Dil Hai Mushkil

After crossing paths as students in London, Ayan and Alizeh navigate a journey of friendship, love and heartbreak that turns their worlds upside down.
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theaters Afrička kraljica

The African Queen

Grubi kapetan ruševna riječnog broda u istočnoj Africi udruži se s uštogljenom misionarkom u Prvom svjetskom ratu kako bi porazio njemačku topovnjaču.
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theaters Agencija za slomljena srca

The Heartbreak Agency

Skeptični novinar radi članka nevoljko prihvati sudjelovanje u terapiji za slomljena srca te na kraju otvori srce šarmantnoj terapeutkinji.
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theaters AI Love You

Napredni program umjetne inteligencije zbog pogreške u softveru zaljubi se u mladu ženu i prebjegne u tijelo muškarca u želji da osvoji njezino srce.
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theaters Airplane Mode

What's life without likes? This social media influencer is about to discover there's plenty of joy in "missing out."
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theaters Aiyyaa

The realities of the world she lives in are no match for the possibilities that exist in her mind.
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theaters Ali Topan

He's a punk kid on the street, she's the daughter of a tycoon. When they decide to run away together for love, everything starts to spin out of control.
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theaters Ali's Wedding

To save face for his family, he bent the truth. Now everyone thinks he's a catch. But he risks losing the girl he loves.
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theaters Alice and Martin

A young man's impassioned romance with a Parisian violinist begins to unravel when buried family secrets reveal the depths of his tortured past.
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