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Tri dvadesetogodišnje cimerice u Barceloni 90-ih postave jedna drugoj izazov: moraju se spetljati s idućim tipom koji ih upita kako se zovu.
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Tri dvadesetogodišnje cimerice u Barceloni 90-ih postave jedna drugoj izazov: moraju se spetljati s idućim tipom koji ih upita kako se zovu.
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Things look up for a Chennai man struggling to make ends meet when he falls for a politician’s daughter -- until he gets entangled in a murder case.
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Convinced he isn't destined for love, a renowned palmist must question everything he believes when he falls for a doctor with an uncertain future.
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He eats his rice and beans the old-school way: with his hands. His son eats it with a spoon -- while texting. How can these two generations connect?
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Two boyhood pals -- one righteous, the other a criminal -- take very different paths to adulthood. Their love for the same woman may prove disastrous.
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Reunited after a decade-long fight, love blooms between Rishi and Radha. Now, they must resolve the discord brewing between their once-close families.
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When carefree Shaurya has to move from Rajavaram to the big city, he faces a tricky path to romance — and new revelations about his beloved hometown.
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Odvjetnički tim koji čine muž i žena poznat po ostvarivanju mirnih razvoda za svoje klijente, nađe se u kušnji nakon što im vlastiti brak upadne u probleme.
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Stvari postanu gadne kad najbolje prijateljice ugovore vjenčanje istoga dana na istome mjestu, a nijedna nije spremna odustati od svojeg dana iz snova.
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Cécile i Samira ukradu odvjetnikov novčanik kako bi mogle platiti stanarinu. Nakon Samirina uhićenja Cécile ga, na užas njegove supruge, zamoli za pomoć.
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Two country girls are poor, but enticing. Their suitors breeze in with charm, but there's scandal in the wind.
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She walked into the class single. She wanted to walk out engaged. No matter the cost. Or the husband.
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Čarobna romansa u Monte Carlu donosi joj tajanstvenog muža, opaku kućnu pomoćnicu i zloslutnu vilu.
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When his wife dies while their marriage is in tatters, a man makes a strange deal sending him to the past to turn it around — in exchange for his life.
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Krajem 1860-ih Petra bježi pred bijesnom ruljom nakon što se zaručila za tri lokalne neženje te se skloni u župnom dvoru na selu.
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He’s the heir to a tomato empire. He’s single and living a dream life. But he’s ripe for a big change.
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Kada Paula napusti Rio de Janeiro kako bi nastavila volontirati kao liječnica u Amazoni, Teto smisli impulzivan plan i slijedi je... zbog čega nastane apsolutni kaos.
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Talijanski bogataš koji gaji strast prema klasičnoj glazbi svoju posvojenu kćer želi pretvoriti u slavnu pijanisticu, ali shvati da im se ukusi ne poklapaju.
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Love connects three people in different timelines as they follow their hearts — and find their romantic decisions leading them into trouble.
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Kada ga natjeraju da zauzme mjesto svojeg slavnog dvojnika, country pjevača, nadobudni roker mora donijeti važnu odluku: izgubiti vlastiti identitet ili slijediti srce.
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