Ljubavni filmovi: 911 naslova


theaters Mafijaška frizerka

Miss Shampoo

Pripravnica u frizerskom salonu slučajno spasi život jednog gangstera... što salonu donese brojne nove klijente, a njoj hrpu kaosa.
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theaters Magnificent

An industrialist's daughter is forced to marry a rich heir by her greedy grandmother as her adopted sister bonds with the charismatic wedding planner.
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theaters Mai

When a struggling single mother falls for a wealthy heartbreaker, their risky romance could just turn their lives around — or tear their worlds apart.
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theaters Make Me a Match

U Jeruzalemu bračne posrednice balansiraju kulturne tradicije i suvremeni život pokušavajući pomoći klijentima da pronađu savršene partnere.
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theaters Malaal

Feelings draw them together. Realities keep them apart. In this city of glaring differences, does blind love stand a chance?
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theaters Malang

Broken hearts. Buried demons. In this tale of fated love and bitter revenge, everyone wants payback for their pain.
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theaters Mali lajavac

Little Big Mouth

Ostavši bez benda i doma, zaigrani gitarist utočište nađe kod računovotkinje, njezina sina i oca. Mogu li zajedno raditi sjajnu glazbu?
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theaters Malo vremena za ljubav

Drawing Closer

Sedamnaestogodišnji Akito, kojemu je preostala samo godina života, pronađe novi smisao u tome da razveseljava smrtno bolesnu djevojku kojoj je ostalo samo šest mjeseci.
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theaters Maniyarayile Ashokan

When his unlucky horoscope doesn’t bode well for his future wife, an earnest bachelor goes to surprising lengths to get the family he’s always wanted.
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theaters Maple Leaf Dreams

For a couple down on their luck, Canada seemed like a good place to start over. But uprooting their lives slowly takes a toll on their courage.
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theaters Marijini muškarci

Marias menn

Ona je samohrana majka, posvećena je karijeri i odustala je od muškaraca, sve dok ponovo ne iskrsne ljubav. Dvostruka.
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theaters Mariposa

Her heart flutters for him, but his love is as elusive as a butterfly. Will she finally snare him in her net?
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theaters Married to Work

To save their real estate agency, an ambitious businesswoman and her entitled boss must convince an investor they're married — despite hating each other.
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theaters Maska

To his city, it’s an institution. To him, it’s a burden. But can he ditch this treasured legacy to chase his tenuous dream?
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theaters Max

Kada se udruži s tajanstvenom plesačicom na natjecanju u tangu, nesretni prodavač trofeja mora se naučiti prepustiti svojoj zavodničkoj strani.
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theaters Me Want You

Despite their conflicting schedules, a night owl rock band manager and a morning radio host fall in love through their shared passion for music.
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theaters Medeni mjesec s obitelji

The Family Way

Mladenci ne mogu dočekati prvu bračnu noć, no morat će se još malo strpjeti jer privremeno moraju živjeti s njegovim roditeljima.
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