Ljubavni filmovi: 969 naslova


theaters Kraljevski tretman

The Royal Treatment

Njujorška frizerka Izzy prihvati posao na vjenčanju šarmantna princa, no kad između njih počnu frcati iskre, hoće li pobijediti profesionalnost... ili ljubav?
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theaters Krishna Vrinda Vihari

The son of a deeply religious and traditional family tells an elaborate lie to win their permission to marry a woman who cannot have children.
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theaters Kriva je mama

Quelque Chose à Te Dire

Alice nakon uhićenja zbog posjedovanja droge započne vezu s policajcem koji iznese na vidjelo neuroze njezine izuzetno disfunkcionalne obitelji.
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theaters Kroz moj prozor

Through My Window

Raquelina dugotrajna zatreskanost u susjeda preraste u nešto više nakon što on unatoč protivljenju svoje obitelji počne razvijati osjećaje prema njoj.
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theaters Kroz moj prozor 3: Gledam te

Through My Window 3: Looking at You

Raquel i Ares ne mogu zaboraviti jedno drugoga iako se viđaju s drugim ljudima. Mogu li se u posljednjem poglavlju trilogije pomiriti unatoč pritisku obitelji?
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theaters Kroz moj prozor: Preko mora

Through My Window: Across the Sea

Raquel i Ares ponovo se, nakon godine dana razdvojenosti, sretnu na vrućem ljetovanju. Hoće li ljubav nadvladati nove flertove i nesigurnosti?
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theaters Kushi

Fate keeps bringing Siddhu and Madhu together, but they only realize the true extent of their feelings when they help unite their mutual friends.
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theaters Kushi

Worlds and families collide when the son of a prominent atheist falls head over heels for the daughter of his father’s nemesis, a revered Hindu leader.
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theaters Kushi (Hindi)

Worlds and families collide when the son of a prominent atheist falls head over heels for the daughter of his father’s nemesis, a revered Hindu leader.
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theaters Kushi (Tamil)

Worlds and families collide when the son of a prominent atheist falls head over heels for the daughter of his father’s nemesis, a revered Hindu leader.
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theaters La Dolce Villa

Kad Ericova kći odluči kupiti oronulu vilu u Toskani, on odjuri za njom kako bi je odgovorio od toga... no u Italiji nenadano pronađe ljepotu, romansu i novu svrhu.
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theaters La galette du roi

Kralj koji je ostao bez novca planira kćer udati za tajkuna, ne znajući da je i on sam u dugovima. Osim toga, princeza je zaljubljena u nekoga drugoga.
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theaters Laal Singh Chaddha

An earnestly optimistic man recounts his journey through life, love and momentous milestones in Indian history. Adapted from 1994’s “Forrest Gump."
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theaters Labyu With An Accent

A heartbroken businesswoman gets a dancer to pose as her rich boyfriend so her family will get off her back about reuniting with her cheating ex-fiancé.
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theaters Lady J

He toyed with her heart. Now she's returning the favor. And she knows exactly how to get under his skin.
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theaters Laila Majnu

Two lovers are forced apart because of their family rivalry. Years later, their intense feelings start to consume them in unexpected ways.
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