Ljubavni filmovi: 970 naslova


theaters Hitac u srce

Heart Shot

U ovom kratkom filmu tinejdžeri Nikki i Sam zaljubljeni su i planiraju zajedničku budućnost... sve dok to ne ugrozi Nikkina nasilna prošlost.
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theaters Hladna dobrodošlica

Kalde Føtter

Nakon što se obogatio u SAD-u, Kalle se vraća kući s jednom jedinom stvari na umu: Trine, najljepšom djevojkom u zemlji.
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theaters Hoffman

Usamljeni sredovječni poslovni čovjek zaljubljen je u svoju tajnicu. Kad otkrije tajnu o njezinu zaručniku, ucijeni je da provede tjedan s njim.
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theaters Hoffmanove priče

The Tales of Hoffmann

U ovoj adaptaciji slavne opere pjesnik slomljena srca ponovo proživljava svoje propale ljubavi kroz zadivljujuće, vizualno očaravajuće poglede u prošlost.
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theaters Holiday in the Vineyards

While on a secret job for his mother's wine company, a man falls for the widow whose place he's renting. But will the truth spoil their yuletide romance?
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theaters Hotel Normandy

Hôtel Normandy

Dvije godine nakon što joj je suprug poginuo u prometnoj nesreći s motociklom, najbolji prijatelji Alice za rođendan pošalju u luksuzni hotel Normandy.
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theaters House Arrest

For months, he’s shut out the world. But when temptation -- and trouble -- come knocking, can this recluse resist?
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theaters Hurdang

In 1990, a brash college student gets drawn into an uproar surrounding a critical bill that will affect India’s education system.
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theaters I još bolji

Still Out of My League

Nakon prekida s ljepotanom Marta se zaljubi u umjetnika. No bolesnoj djevojci i njezinim prijateljima život donosi niz neočekivanih zapleta.
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theaters I Lost My Body

A young love blossoms. A lost hand embarks on a perilous journey. And a dreamlike adventure unfolds in the streets of Paris.
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theaters I Love Lizzy

Traveling while on leave from his seminary, a would-be priest falls in love with a local tour guide and faces a crisis of faith.
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theaters I love you, stupid

After Marcos is dumped by his girlfriend, he attempts to reinvent himself as a modern man with the help of a childhood friend and an online guru.
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