theaters Us and Them
They chased their dreams. Now they finally have everything they've ever wanted -- except for each other.
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They chased their dreams. Now they finally have everything they've ever wanted -- except for each other.
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One prefers street fights. The other thrives in the ring. Their biggest challenge? Each other.
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His love for him burns with fear and guilt. As they drift apart, will he ever learn what his beloved sacrificed?
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Upoznavši ženu koja grca u dugovima brinući se za bolesnog oca, utjerivač dugova zlatna srca nakani zadobiti njezinu ljubav.
Hrvatski titlovi
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Pokušavajući osloboditi sestru iz Fahaijevih kandži, Xiao Qing završi u distopijskom gradu i upozna zagonetna čovjeka koji se ne može prisjetiti svoje prošlosti.
Hrvatski titlovi
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On sanja velike snove. Zahvaljujući plamenom prijatelju, sad ima tri želje i tri prilike da preokrene svoj život.
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