theaters Girl's Revenge
Bullying. Humiliation. An ugly truth. She's standing up for her friend. But her retaliatory quest is about to unravel.
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Bullying. Humiliation. An ugly truth. She's standing up for her friend. But her retaliatory quest is about to unravel.
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After a failed attempt to take his own life, a man discovers he's returned with something from beyond: four ghosts seeking to fulfill their last wishes.
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In the space between life and death, the past comes back to haunt them. Will they run — or try to make contact?
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Swooning over a charming transfer student, a high school teen becomes entangled in a love triangle between her crush and a close childhood friend.
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A workaholic reconnects with two men she blocked on social media five years ago and begins to reflect on her past life choices.
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Six years ago, Li Ronan was cursed after breaking a religious taboo. Now, she must protect her daughter from the consequences of her actions.
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Loss. Grief. A family secret. As they seek closure, will they learn to let go and finally heal?
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A news anchor suspects her father's fiancée may be a murderous con artist, but trying to prove it leads her down a dangerous path.
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They're polar opposites on campus but a perfect match in an online game. Can virtual chemistry translate to real love?
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Pripravnica u frizerskom salonu slučajno spasi život jednog gangstera... što salonu donese brojne nove klijente, a njoj hrpu kaosa.
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For an attorney stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time, the law is the last thing he can count on for his own defense.
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Jimo, an outcast who can see monsters, teams up with a monster hunter to fight evil forces and soon discovers her greater calling.
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Zadovoljan je svojim normalnim životom. No kad se ponovo pojave drevni rivali mora probuditi moćnog junaka u sebi.
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Majka i kći koje su primorane zajedno odraditi karantenu tijekom pandemije bolesti COVID-19 moraju se suočiti s osobnim preprekama i tenzijama u odnosu.
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No money. No team. No driver's license. If Zhang Chi is going to get back in the racing game, he’s got a lot of ground to cover.
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Želeći postati influencer za parkour, nadareni mladić iz obitelji egzorcista uplete se u niz sablasnih događaja u jezivu hotelu.
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Kada svijet pogodi meteor na kojemu se nalazi destruktivna biljka, samoubilački odred ima samo nekoliko sati da spasi svoj postapokaliptičan grad od potpunog kolapsa.
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Shouldering all of her family's responsibilities, a mother scrambles to find a bigger apartment for her suddenly crowded household.
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They’re a trio of goofy misfits in a haunted hotel. Things are about to get hair-raising -- and kind of hilarious.
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Feeling trapped by his controlling girlfriend, a young man wishes for freedom — only to discover the terrifying consequences when his dream comes true.
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