theaters Putovanje u Australiju
Žena odbije liječiti se od raka i krene na putovanje Tanzanijom sa suprugom i najboljim prijateljem kako bi doživjela stvari koje su joj na popisu životnih iskustava.
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Žena odbije liječiti se od raka i krene na putovanje Tanzanijom sa suprugom i najboljim prijateljem kako bi doživjela stvari koje su joj na popisu životnih iskustava.
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U svojem prvom velikom stand-up specijalu drski komičar Red Ollero komentira brzu hranu, nelagodan seks i probleme koje imaš kad nisi baš mega slavan.
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When his wife dies while their marriage is in tatters, a man makes a strange deal sending him to the past to turn it around — in exchange for his life.
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Nakon što osvoji slobodoumnu svjetsku putnicu, odani poduzetnik mora na svoju stranu pridobiti i njezina strogog i kritičnog oca.
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In this spine-chilling anthology, unsuspecting victims encounter surreal monsters, a lethal kids show and a zombie apocalypse.
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Two Jesuit priests must help solve a series of child murders in the slums of Manila — and find the serial killer who's preying on vulnerable boys.
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Par upravo vjenčanih glazbenika na medenom mjesecu zbog oluje zapne na otoku te se mora suočiti s teškim istinama koje bi im mogle razoriti brak.
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Refusing to believe in her skills, a cynical man challenges a dating coach to play matchmaker for him. But true love may be closer than he thinks.
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After her cheating boyfriend's sex tape goes viral, a content creator starts over with the seemingly perfect guy — who may be hiding secrets of his own.
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Fed up with abuse by those around her, a department store saleswoman finds a weapon in an alleyway and decides to settle scores.
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After the death of a family member, a troubled animator confronts buried memories while outrunning a mysterious alien from his past.
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Desperate to win an award, a producer hires real supernatural monsters to act in his horror film — but their fee may not be the bargain he thinks it is.
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In the face of uncertain times, two hard-up grocery workers start a relationship that could keep their dreams alive — or drag both of them down.
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When his ex suddenly shows up in town, a chef plots to get even with her for leaving him — but might just end up trying to win her back.
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A troubled young man and a hotel receptionist strike up a tense friendship that slowly turns passionate as he scours Hong Kong for his missing mother.
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Obitelj se nakon pojave zombija povuče na izoliranu farmu, no godine bolnih tajni uzmu svoj danak dok pokušavaju preživjeti u opustošenom svijetu.
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In a Japanese town devastated by a tsunami, two newfound friends make sense of their grief and a curious phone booth that sends messages to the dead.
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A woman travels to Copenhagen to meet an online match, but her daughter doesn't trust her suitor. Can love mend a broken heart?
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Kada glavni chef padne u komu, njegov odani zamjenik mora spriječiti zatvaranje njihova vrhunskog filipinskog restorana.
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