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Dvoje mladih koje žele postati pripadnici visokog društva, u ogromnim dugovima nakon što su bili žrtve prijevare, stvore lažne identitete da bi izvukli novac od bogatih.
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Dvoje mladih koje žele postati pripadnici visokog društva, u ogromnim dugovima nakon što su bili žrtve prijevare, stvore lažne identitete da bi izvukli novac od bogatih.
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Usamljeni boksač koji je upao u probleme preseli se k majci koja ga je davno napustila i autističnom bratu pijanistu te se mora uklopiti u otuđenu obitelj.
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Izmučeni pjevač rock benda odluči se zbližiti sa svojom davno izgubljenom kćeri.
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A heartbroken businesswoman gets a dancer to pose as her rich boyfriend so her family will get off her back about reuniting with her cheating ex-fiancé.
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Profesionalni prevarant i dječak kojega je odgojio rutinski varaju bogataše, ali jedna sudbonosna prilika mogla bi prekinuti njihovu neraskidivu vezu.
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Four teens pursue their dreams while navigating their feelings for each other as they dive into the wild world of livestreaming.
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While raising their autistic son, Ayla and Paolo face societal skepticism and economic stress, forcing them to reassess their future plans.
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When an artist becomes colorblind after an accident, his long-besotted friend tries to help. But two other love interests complicate matters.
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While recovering from heartbreak, a screenwriter finds new inspiration when she makes an unexpected connection with a man via an old walkie-talkie.
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A doctor scours his family's occult history for a way to prevent his fiancee's death, only to find secrets that link to a series of 19th-century murders.
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For a couple down on their luck, Canada seemed like a good place to start over. But uprooting their lives slowly takes a toll on their courage.
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Dvoje neobično bliskih prijatelja dijele svaki aspekt svojih života. Dok im se životi razvijaju, njihova povezanost ostaje jedina konstanta.
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Close quarters and new romances add trouble to the rocky relationship between a high-strung young woman and her demanding mother.
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In a fateful encounter, three women with very different lives accidentally swap souls. As they try to switch back, they develop an unshakeable bond.
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Nakon nezaboravna susreta neizlječiva romantičarka okrene se aplikaciji kako bi pronašla muškarca kojeg je upoznala... no je li on doista ono što ona traži?
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Two brothers accompany a group of vloggers on their search for a mythical island. But when they find it, they uncover one sinister secret after another.
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Back in her hometown for her grandmother's birthday, a real estate agent reconnects with a childhood friend, bringing new possibilities in life and love.
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A pair of partners-turned-rivals compete to interview the richest man in the Philippines, only to find themselves at the scene of a baffling crime.
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Nakon što dozna da je njezin otuđeni otac hotelski magnat, Belinda se uz pomoć šarmantnog odvjetnika pokušava snaći u tom novom, raskošnom životu.
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A con artist agrees to swap places with a runaway princess who looks just like her. But an unexpected romance threatens to jeopardize everything.
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