23 naslova je uklonjeno 15. rujna 2021.

Uklonjeno 15. rujna 2021.


theaters Chupan Chupai

These bumbling buddies will need luck and logic to outrun the cop on their heels. Too bad they’re laughably low on both.
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theaters Čovjek zvan Hrabrost

True Grit

Vješanja, pucnjave, pijane tučnjave i uzimanje pravde u svoje ruke recept su za osvetu djevojčice na Divljem zapadu.
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theaters Eeda

Her relatives are communist activists. His are ardently right-wing. Can their love transcend blood-soaked party lines?
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theaters Glazba i stihovi

Music and Lyrics

Za povratak na top-ljestvice ova pop-zvijezda iz 80-ih treba pomoć sa skladanjem i ponovnim otkrivanjem vlastitog srca.
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theaters Jugaad

From a transgender activist to a gossip blogger, anyone can live in this city. But it takes true grit to survive.
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theaters ​Mayurakshi

One man struggles to hold on to the past. The other has spent years escaping it. This reunion could change everything.
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theaters Paranormalno 4

Paranormal Activity 4

A suburban family opens its home to the new neighbors, a mysterious mother and son. Big mistake.
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theaters Poruka u boci

Message in a Bottle

Njegova je tuga savršena priča, no njihova je ljubav važnija od bilo kojeg novinskog članka.
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theaters Samantaral

He meant to take an innocent trip back home. But in doing so he uncovered a family secret nobody wanted him to know.
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theaters Šuti i štiti

Shut Up and Do It

Neustrašivi (i nesretni) rumunjski policajci slijede zločinačku organizaciju do Španjolske i izgube se u prijevodu.
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ondemand_video Silver Spoon

Forced to become an apprentice cop, cocky playboy Igor finds he's got a knack for police work. But his job soon takes him down a dark personal path.
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theaters Super 8

Super 8

Writer-director J.J. Abrams crafts a supernatural tale about six kids who witness something incredible while shooting a movie with a Super 8 camera.
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theaters The Secret

After family drama and a traumatic injury, all she wants is to heal. But something evil in her midst won't make it easy.
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theaters Žena mačka


Cast off by evil employers, a meek artistic type returns with a new attitude. And the claws to match.
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