89 naslova odlazi u sljedećih 30 dana

Odlazi 23. ožujka 2025.


theaters Hitman: Agent 47


Ubojica bez imena nasiljem se probija kroz svijet dok pokušava ostati korak ispred moćnih sila koje ga pod svaku cijenu žele ubiti.
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theaters Žena kojoj sam čitao

The Reader

Sredovječni odvjetnik razmišlja o kratkoj vezi koju je kao tinejdžer imao sa starijom ženom, koja je osam godina poslije završila na suđenju za nacističke ratne zločine.
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Odlazi 23. ožujka 2025.


theaters Layla M.

She was mistreated due to her religion. But this only drove her to embrace her faith even more tightly.
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Odlazi 24. ožujka 2025.


theaters A Man Called Otto

Enraged by the world and hardened by grief, a cranky retiree plots his own demise but is foiled when a lively young family bursts into his life.
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theaters Kokainski medvjed

Cocaine Bear

Nakon što medvjed od preko 200 kila u šumi nađe i proždre odbačenu pošiljku droge, uslijedi totalni kaos.
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Odlazi 25. ožujka 2025.


ondemand_video Pui Pui

Pui Pui Molcar

Oni su zamorčići! I automobili! Preslatki čupavci prolaze mnoge zabavne pustolovine u ovoj dražesnoj seriji sa stop animacijom.
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Odlazi 26. ožujka 2025.


theaters Fig Jam

A struggling screenwriter falls for an eccentric woman who leaves short notes around his flat, but a tragic reality soon catches up to them.
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theaters Happy Family Journal

After a retired colonel falls from a rooftop and injures himself, his estranged children come together as secrets bubble to the surface.
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theaters Ni de coña

Trying to fix their relationships, four couples attend a spiritual retreat at a Caribbean resort, where temptation and mishaps add problems to the mix.
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theaters Zvjezdane staze: S one strane

Star Trek Beyond

Kad izvanzemaljac koji se želi osvetiti Zvjezdanoj floti uništi Enterprise i posadu ostavi nasukanu na izgubljenom planetu, kapetan Kirk mora spriječiti novi napad.
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Odlazi 29. ožujka 2025.


theaters Putovanje jednog psa

A Dog's Journey

Nevjerojatna povezanost jednog psa i njegove obitelji dodatno se produbi kad se on sprijatelji s mladom unukom te se reinkarnira kako bi je čuvao i podupirao dok odrasta.
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Odlazi 30. ožujka 2025.


theaters Connected

In the first Chinese remake of an American blockbuster, helmer Benny Chan updates the 2004 thriller Cellular, with Louis Koo starring as a single dad debt collector who becomes embroiled in intrigue when he responds to a stranger's plea for help.
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theaters The Beast Stalker

Feeling guilty after a high-speed chase leaves a girl dead, a determined sergeant pursues the crime boss who triggered the fatal car accident.
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theaters The Midas Touch

He's always had success collecting debts. But can his golden touch also transform wannabe stars into glittering pop idols?
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theaters Twins Mission

A bunch of twins clash over a shiny object, which ends up with a sex shop owner. It's a circus with no ringmaster.
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Odlazi 30. ožujka 2025.

Odlazi 31. ožujka 2025.


theaters Halal Love (and Sex)

This film follows four tragic-comic interconnected stories of Beiruti men and women trying to manage between romantic desires and religious devotion.
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theaters Kill Bill 1

Kill Bill: Vol. 1

Ubojicu ustrijele njezin nemilosrdni poslodavac Bill i drugi članovi njihova kruga plaćenih ubojica. No ona preživi i krene po osvetu...
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theaters Kill Bill 2

Kill Bill: Vol. 2

Mlada ima tri preostale osobe na popisu za osvetu: Budda, Elle Driver i samog Billa. Međutim, u Billovoj je kući dočeka iznenađenje...
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