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As teenagers, she's in love with him but he's oblivious. As superheroes, he's in love with her but she's just annoyed.
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As teenagers, she's in love with him but he's oblivious. As superheroes, he's in love with her but she's just annoyed.
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Journey to the enchanted land of Equestria, where unicorn Twilight Sparkle and her pals have adventures and learn valuable lessons about friendship.
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Sexually sparked. Alienated. Angst-ridden. British teens navigate a dark world of hot topics and personal purgatories.
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A hardened gunslinger can't draw the line. He thinks he's seeking justice ... and maybe satisfaction for himself.
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Dissatisfied with the police’s progress, a teen and his best friend investigate their classmate's murder, treading down a dark path to the uneasy truth.
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Inteligentan, ali pomalo izgubljen diplomant MIT-a pokušava osvojiti djevojku iz snova na zabavi za Praznik rada uz pomoć svoje sestre blizanke i najboljeg prijatelja.
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Even the hottest name becomes just a number. In a special society called prison, there's a whole new set of rules.
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Kada uštogljena računovotkinja Kenja unajmi opuštenog pejzažnog arhitekta Briana, osjećaji procvjetaju. No kada upozna i navodno savršenog frajera, koga će odabrati?
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Petorica bivših srednjoškolskih kolega koji nikad nisu odrasli suočeni su sa stvarnošću. Može li bedak promijeniti ćud?
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Rap grupa N.W.A. sredinom 1980-ih svojom sirovom i provokativnom autentičnošću uzdiže se s ulica Comptona i iz temelja mijenja hip-hop kulturu.
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Timmy Turner nije tek obični desetogodišnji klinac. Kumovi su mu vile koje mu mogu ispuniti svaku želju. Ma ne, ništa neće poći po zlu!
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After her twin sister dies in an accident, shy Laurel gets mistaken for the more confident Audrey and leans into the lie, opening up new possibilities.
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A retired assassin and his old partners find renewed purpose by helping fellow seniors end their lives — until a young woman requests their services.
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Vjerujući da im je vještica bacila kletvu na obitelj, doseljenici koji su se naselili na rubu šume u Novoj Engleskoj postaju sve paranoičniji.
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U ovoj fantasy bajci snimljenoj prema popularnoj videoigri gledamo rat ljudi i orkova koji započne nakon što Draenorovi ratnici kroz portal pobjegnu na Azeroth.
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A disgraced detective teams up with an unlikely partner to expose corruption within the ranks of Detroit's toughest police precinct.
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Od skromnih početaka sitnog lopova do dolaska na čelo carstva droge, ova uzbudljiva serija prikazuje život zloglasnog Pabla Escobara.
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An award befitting a master. A tribute befitting an icon. A night of comedy and music celebrating the career of Dave Chappelle.
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Druga prilika za loš spoj na slijepo na safari odmoru? Ludo! Hoće li kolijevka života postati kolijevka ljubavi?
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A top secret British spy agency recruits a juvenile delinquent, and a stylish mentor trains him in the skills of tradecraft.
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In this second film in the Kingsman series, Eggsy and Merlin seek the aid of their American counterparts, Statesman, after their agency is attacked.
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He’s an alcoholic wreck of a man -- and the world’s best chance for avoiding a nuclear war, if he plays his game right.
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