6 naslova odlazi 31. ožujka 2025.

Odlazi 31. ožujka 2025.


theaters Halal Love (and Sex)

This film follows four tragic-comic interconnected stories of Beiruti men and women trying to manage between romantic desires and religious devotion.
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theaters Kill Bill 1

Kill Bill: Vol. 1

Ubojicu ustrijele njezin nemilosrdni poslodavac Bill i drugi članovi njihova kruga plaćenih ubojica. No ona preživi i krene po osvetu...
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theaters Kill Bill 2

Kill Bill: Vol. 2

Mlada ima tri preostale osobe na popisu za osvetu: Budda, Elle Driver i samog Billa. Međutim, u Billovoj je kući dočeka iznenađenje...
Hrvatski titlovi
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theaters Mawlana: The Preacher

In Egypt, an unorthodox TV preacher with a large following finds himself in a web of political discord that tests his credibility and convictions.
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theaters The Flower of Aleppo

Desperate to free her son from the clutches of Islamist extremism, a Tunisian mother poses as a terrorist recruit and travels to Syria to find him.
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