Svi filmovi dostupni na Netflixu : 5669 naslova


theaters Way Upstream

Dva para odu na plovidbu i dožive nesreću. Kad im u pomoć priskoči karizmatični neznanac, odmor im se pretvori u noćnu moru.
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theaters We Are One

They're fighting violence, injustice and discrimination with solidarity, inclusion, art — and with music that spans continents.
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theaters Weather for Two

A meeting with the family lawyer causes chaos for the Thompson family, with betrayal, infidelity and lies leading to bloody consequences.
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theaters Wendell i Wild

Wendell & Wild

Dvojica demona sklope pogodbu s tinejdžericom pankericom kako bi mogli napustiti Podzemlje i ostvariti svoje snove u Svijetu živih.
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theaters WHAM!

George Michael i Andrew Ridgeley komentiraju karijeru u bendu Wham! te kroz arhivske snimke gledamo kako su od najboljih prijatelja u '70-ima postali ikone popa '80-ih.
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theaters What Are the Odds?

When two unlikely friends play hooky from school, accidental encounters and otherworldly events turn their day into a whimsical coming-of-age journey.
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theaters What has been lost

Filmaš istražuje ljude i mjesta iz zbirke fotografija koja je pripadala njegovoj pokojnoj majci, pritom prateći i prošlost španjolskog građanskog rata.
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theaters What the F* Is Going On?

Featuring extensive interviews, this documentary takes a critical look at the gender inequality in Spain as the feminist movement aims to shift reality.
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theaters What the Fish

A crabby woman leaves home for a vacation and entrusts her niece's fiancé to feed her fish and adhere to a strict set of rules. He has other ideas.
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theaters Whatever It Takes

Two love-crazed high school classmates, Ryan and Chris, combine forces to woo their respective objects of affection, Ashley and Maggie.
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theaters Wheelman

Trust no one, protect what's yours, and drive like your life depends on it. Because tonight, it does.
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theaters When a Dream Comes True

Ed, koji je na pragu četrdesete, ostavi za sobom svoj život u Barceloni i putuje SAD-om u želji da si ostvari životni san: postati filmaš u Americi.
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theaters When Cousins Marry

Ovaj se dokumentarac bavi posljedicama braka između bliskih rođaka, uključujući reakciju društva i zdravstvene probleme s kojima su susreću djeca.
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theaters When I Saw You

Longing to reunite with his missing father in the wake of the Six-Day War, an 11-year-old Palestinian boy sets out on a life-changing journey.
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theaters Whindersson Nunes: Drugom ti to pričaj

Whindersson Nunes: Preaching to the Choir

Stigao je smak svijeta i on to zna. Whindersson Nunes u ovom se specijalu osvrće na trenutačna zbivanja, društvene mreže, religiju i druge aktualne teme.
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theaters Whindersson Nunes: Moj show!

Whindersson Nunes: My Own Show!

Komičar Whindersson Nunes donosi svoje osebujne imitacije i komentare različitih kultura na povijesnu pozornicu operne kuće Teatro Amazonas.
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theaters Whipped

Their girlfriends are bossing them around. Can a self-proclaimed love expert whip them into shape?
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theaters Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Novinarka se odluči na veliku životnu i poslovnu promjenu: pridruži se vojnicima u ratnoj zoni na Bliskom istoku, gdje ponovo otkrije svoj novinarski talent.
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