theaters The Proud Valley
Nakon što svojim prekrasnim glasom osvoji poštovanje velških rudara, američki mornar pridruži se njihovoj borbi za bolje radne uvjete.
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Nakon što svojim prekrasnim glasom osvoji poštovanje velških rudara, američki mornar pridruži se njihovoj borbi za bolje radne uvjete.
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Her story lit the world on fire. Out of the ashes comes a complicated tale of race, family, anger and self-discovery.
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Iscrpljeni mladi sportaš prijavi se u bolnicu zbog teške ozljede i zbliži se sa ženom koja boluje od dječje paralize. Ta će mu veza promijeniti život.
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While preparing for an important business deal, an arrogant executive loses control of his voice after being cursed by an office cleaner.
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For the spies, it's another risky mission. For a local hero, it's life or death. But they all believe in one thing: Leave no one behind.
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Nakon šokantnog nastupa na Olimpijskim igrama 2004. američka muška košarkaška reprezentacija želi se iskupiti u lovu na zlato na Igrama u Pekingu 2008.
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Stariji par shrvan tugom angažira glumca da jednu večer glumi njihova preminuloga sina u pokušaju da se pomire s njegovom smrću.
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By channeling his outrage into action, he aimed to hit the Nazis where it hurts, using the most powerful weapon he had: a bank.
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Dvojica tajnih agenata u nacističkoj Njemačkoj na vlaku traže čovjeka u čijem je posjedu knjiga koja oživljava predmete... uključujući njegovu ubojitu lutku Roberta.
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Nijedan nema istu majku, a imaju mnogo pitanja za svojeg oca. No prvo ga moraju spasiti.
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They can't agree who's to blame, but they do see eye to eye on this: They shouldn't have come out here in the first place.
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Aaron Paul, Vince Gilligan and other cast members, producers and crew share stories and footage from the making of "El Camino."
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Being the only next of kin, a woman receives a sudden call to pick up her late estranged father's belongings.
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Her culinary vision is to revive her parents' hotel. But will a charming businessman leave her starry-eyed?
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He didn't intend to become a brutal criminal mastermind. A brief but unwarranted stint in juvie would change that.
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Od hrabre vizije koja je postala pravi američki trijumf, u ovom dokumentarcu pratimo povijesni izum rakete koja je prenijela prve astronaute na Mjesec.
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Supružnici koje su obitelji prisilile na brak bez ljubavi izazovu prijezir i skandale kada pronađu utjehu u rukama dvojice muškaraca koji rade na njihovu imanju.
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Manipulation and personal vendettas collide when a con artist hires a young woman to assist with his scheme to marry a wealthy heiress.
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Haunted by an otherworldly phenomena plaguing her sick 9-year-old son, a mother takes desperate measures to save his life.
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Lukavi bivši zatvorenik vodi uspješan antikvarijat, sve dok njegov pomoćnik ne otkrije da je roba zapravo ukradena te ga počne ucjenjivati.
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They're small in stature, but talented beyond their minimal years. They give new meaning to miniature golf.
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Outnumbered, cut off from reinforcements, abandoned by their leaders. They won't surrender until every bullet is fired.
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Muškarac sa suučesnicima pobjegne iz zatvora i iz Sydneyja. Kad im se brod pokvari u blizini Fort Denisona, uzmu za taoce čuvara i njegovu obitelj.
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At the slightest sound, winged predators swarm -- and kill. In this terrifying new world, only the silent survive.
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She felt trapped, like the wolves he hunted. And there's no telling what a woman will do when she's cornered.
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A mom's hidden past. A high-end heist. A string of clues ... and spy gadgets? This sleepover just got interesting.
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Udavši se za zemljoposjednika čija je bivša supruga umrla nasilnom smrću, djevojka počne nalaziti zlokobne poruke o njemu po kući.
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In this psychological thriller, painter Lorenzo's life spirals out of control as he fears his wife is trying to isolate him from their infant son.
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They're solving Rubik's Cubes at top speeds and smashing records. But can these archrivals also be fast friends?
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Padom Britanskog Carstva londonska bankovna mreža stvorila je pokvarenu i mračnu mrežu skrivanja novca u inozemnim poreznim oazama... što je utjecalo na današnji svijet.
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