Filmovi dostupni na Netflixu (bez azijskih): 4623 naslova


theaters The Last Paradiso

Ganjao je san o slobodi i bio je nadahnuće drugima, što je skupo platio. No može li nada ikada doista umrijeti?
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theaters The Last Soviet Movie

U ovoj parodiji sovjetskih akcijskih filmova gledamo pisca iz Brooklyna koji istražuje podrijetlo svojih predaka... koji su bili veliki igrači u ruskoj revoluciji.
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theaters The Last Summer

They're done with high school. Adulthood's coming up. But for a season in between, nothing's certain -- and anything's possible.
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theaters The Last Wife

Tormented by her obligations, the third wife of a district governor risks further hardship when she explores her feelings for a childhood sweetheart.
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theaters The Long Road to War

Ovaj dokumentarac analizira situacije koje su dovele do početka Prvog svjetskog rata, od 19. stoljeća do ubojstva nadvojvode Franje Ferdinanda.
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theaters The Lovebirds

A fizzling romance. A shocking crime. A ridiculous plan. They can't even figure out their relationship. How will they solve a murder?
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theaters The Lovers!

Ovaj film snimljen prema istoimenoj humorističnoj seriji prati mladi manchesterski par koji pokušava nadvladati međusobne razlike.
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theaters The Machine

A debauched college trip haunts a washed-up comedian decades later when a Russian mobster with a vendetta kidnaps him and his crotchety father.
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theaters The Main Event

Mask on, he's a smooth-talking wrestler. Mask off, he's an awkward kid. But pinning down his dream comes with growing pains.
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theaters The Making of a King

Kemi Adetiba and other creatives behind "King of Boys" discuss the franchise's challenging and inspiring journey toward making Nollywood history.
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theaters The Man Who Wouldn't Talk

U ovoj britanskoj sudskoj drami iz 1958. američki znanstvenik optužen za ubojstvo supruge mora dokazati svoju nevinost i pritom ne otkriti tajne.
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theaters The Manson Family Massacre

Glazbenica se useli u zloglasnu kuću, gdje je počnu progoniti stravične vizije brutalnih ubojstava koje su počinili članovi kulta Charlesa Mansona.
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theaters The Master Plan

Hired to steal important documents in a high-stakes bank heist, two slick criminals enlist a bumbling duo to do the dirty work — and bear all the risk.
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