theaters The Land of Steady Habits
He wanted to shake up his stifled life but wrecked it instead. Now his search for hope begins amid the rubble.
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He wanted to shake up his stifled life but wrecked it instead. Now his search for hope begins amid the rubble.
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Scenarist se preseli u staru ladanjsku kuću u snenom gradiću i otkrije da ona skriva zlokobne duhove i strašne tajne.
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Decades ago, a chance to make it big got away. Now they’re out to prove it's never too late to chase a dream.
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Ganjao je san o slobodi i bio je nadahnuće drugima, što je skupo platio. No može li nada ikada doista umrijeti?
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He had drugs, money, power and free rein -- until now.
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U ovoj parodiji sovjetskih akcijskih filmova gledamo pisca iz Brooklyna koji istražuje podrijetlo svojih predaka... koji su bili veliki igrači u ruskoj revoluciji.
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They're done with high school. Adulthood's coming up. But for a season in between, nothing's certain -- and anything's possible.
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A journalist on the edge. The story she can't let go. Caught in a secret war, she trusts nothing except the truth.
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Tormented by her obligations, the third wife of a district governor risks further hardship when she explores her feelings for a childhood sweetheart.
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His idea of a romantic date? Wine, dinner and a discourse on the laws of physics. She was intrigued ... until she wasn't.
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All he wants out of this trip is a chance to bond with his son. And for his son to kill a deer. And to get it all on video.
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It begins with a seemingly tall tale spun at parties and barbecues. How it ends must be seen to be believed.
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A lonely ranger, a determined mother, an autistic boy and wild orcas come together for a sweetly unexpected love story.
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They’ve been fighting forever to be officially recognized as Basque. But now their best shot at real bliss might be with the Swiss.
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Cool beats, hot Oakland nights and two guys who ruled '80s baseball. Get juiced for the musical comedy event nobody asked for.
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Kad u džunglama Malezije zarobe japanskog skauta, britanski vojnici pomisle da im se posrećilo... ali to je samo zamka.
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Ovaj dokumentarac analizira situacije koje su dovele do početka Prvog svjetskog rata, od 19. stoljeća do ubojstva nadvojvode Franje Ferdinanda.
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A fizzling romance. A shocking crime. A ridiculous plan. They can't even figure out their relationship. How will they solve a murder?
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Ovaj film snimljen prema istoimenoj humorističnoj seriji prati mladi manchesterski par koji pokušava nadvladati međusobne razlike.
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A debauched college trip haunts a washed-up comedian decades later when a Russian mobster with a vendetta kidnaps him and his crotchety father.
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It’s the longest New Year's Eve ever as Ms. Frizzle and the class travel back in time — hour by hour — to save their beloved bus!
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3 ... 2 ... 1 ... blast off! Adventure awaits Ms. Frizzle and the class on an important mission in outer space.
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It's triple the Frizz, triple the fun when lightning strikes and a high-flying hot air balloon adventure goes haywire!
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Mask on, he's a smooth-talking wrestler. Mask off, he's an awkward kid. But pinning down his dream comes with growing pains.
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Kemi Adetiba and other creatives behind "King of Boys" discuss the franchise's challenging and inspiring journey toward making Nollywood history.
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U ovoj britanskoj sudskoj drami iz 1958. američki znanstvenik optužen za ubojstvo supruge mora dokazati svoju nevinost i pritom ne otkriti tajne.
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His birth was a marvel. And his childhood? Highly unusual. But, deep down, he dreams of being ordinary.
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Glazbenica se useli u zloglasnu kuću, gdje je počnu progoniti stravične vizije brutalnih ubojstava koje su počinili članovi kulta Charlesa Mansona.
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The dream is big. The journey is bigger. But these kids' smarts and spirit show that the Red Planet is within our grasp.
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Hired to steal important documents in a high-stakes bank heist, two slick criminals enlist a bumbling duo to do the dirty work — and bear all the risk.
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