Dodano 3. srpnja 2022. - 6 naslova


theaters 18% Grey

Kada ga supruga ostavi, fotograf kojemu posao baš i ne ide najbolje krene na putovanje od Londona do Berlina koje razotkrije gorku istinu o njegovoj izgubljenoj ljubavi.
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theaters Major (Malayalam)

This biopic follows the life of Indian Army officer Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, from his childhood to his heroic actions during the 2008 Mumbai attacks.
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ondemand_video Mohammed Ali Road

In the 1940s, the Kuwait-India trade route paves the way for a friendship between two merchants, but their bond is tested when one of them gets greedy.
Tri nova nastavka
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ondemand_video Oh My Baby

On the brink of 40 and single, a magazine editor aims to bypass marriage and skip ahead to the baby and happiness part of her story.
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