Vojne akcije i pustolovine: 18 naslova


theaters 300

What they lack in numbers they make up for with brute force. Their swords will taste a lot of blood.
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theaters Da 5 Bloods

A fallen leader. A fortune in gold. Haunted by the ghosts of war, four brothers in arms search for what they lost in Vietnam.
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theaters Double World

Keen to bring honor to his clan, young villager Dong Yilong embarks on a perilous journey to compete in a tournament that selects warriors for battle.
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theaters Kraljevina

The Kingdom

Tajni odred FBI-a otputuje u Rijad u Saudijskoj Arabiji istražiti smrtonosne bombaške napade kojima Al-Kaida ubija Amerikance.
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theaters Mosul

Grad je pao u ruke terorista i voljenih više nema. Ujedinjuje ih osveta, a njihova opasna misija postaje sasvim osobna.
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theaters Nesalomljivi


Olimpijska trkačka zvijezda Louis Zamperini postane pilot u Drugom svjetskom ratu. Kad ga zarobe Japanci, mora proći pakao kako bi preživio.
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theaters Outlaw King

Outmanned. Outmatched. Outlawed. For freedom, honor and family, a rebel king takes on the mightiest army in the world.
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theaters Paskal

They trained, fought, and bled -- together. Now, the best of the best will be put to the test.
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theaters Sand Castle

He only joined the Army to make some money for college. Then he landed in the middle of a war he couldn't win.
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theaters Snajperist

American Sniper

Ovaj je snajperist u Iraku postao legendom. U stvarnom životu plaća cijenu za svaku pogođenu metu.
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theaters Spašavanje vojnika Ryana

Saving Private Ryan

Tri su brata mrtva, četvrti je nestao. Osmorica vojnika riskiraju vlastite živote kako bi spasili život jednog čovjeka.
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theaters Spectral

We can't see them. Bullets don't stop them. The Army is no match for them. Time to try something totally different.
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theaters Steel Rain

If he succeeds, he'll be deemed a nation's hero. If he fails, it'll be the start of a new regime -- and a nuclear war.
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theaters Suze boga sunca

Tears of the Sun

Navy SEALS on a mission to rescue a doctor from a deadly conflict in Nigeria. Who will save her patients?
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theaters Top gun

Top Gun

Odmetnuti pilot pohađa elitnu školu za borbenu obuku u kojoj ga dočekaju žestoka konkurencija, vruća romansa i opasnost na nebu.
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