Trileri: 542 naslova


theaters Gost

A Guest Is Coming

Pisac istražuje neobičan slučaj ubojstva starca koji je odlučio prodati imanje unatoč protivljenju obitelji.
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theaters Govedina

Beef Cattle

Kad dozna da ima rak i da su mu dani odbrojani, Thomas odluči preostalo vrijeme provesti u oslobađanju svijeta od što je više zlikovaca moguće.
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theaters Govinda Govinda

Three college slackers fake a friend's kidnapping to help her escape her strict father. The plan works... until it meets a stranger-than-fiction reality.
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theaters Gumraah

A murder investigation becomes more complicated when a police inspector discovers that the primary suspect has an uncanny look-alike.
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theaters Gun City

Mobsters. Corrupt cops. Labor strikers. Women's rights protestors. Add a stolen arms shipment and you've got a ticking time bomb.
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theaters He ovat paenneet

They Have Escaped

Pobjegavši iz prihvatilišta, dvoje neprilagođenih tinejdžera zajedno krenu u nadrealnu, praiskonsku pustolovinu.
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theaters Heartbeat

When a new doctor arrives in a village and people begin to mysteriously disappear, a young dancer must fight for their traditions — and her life.
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theaters Hejter

The Hater

Dok nacionalizam jača, on iz sjene potiče bijes na internetu. No vatra koju raspiruje mogla bi spaliti sve.
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theaters Hel

This Is Hel

Kad turisti počnu nestajati na osamljenom poljskom poluotoku, mještani posumnjaju u gostujućeg američkog pisca. No je li istina još izopačenija no što misle?
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theaters Here Love Lies

Preacher’s daughter turned single mother and travel blogger, Amanda finds more than romance when she takes a chance to meet a social media suitor in NYC.
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theaters Hipnotizer

The Hypnotist

Pokusni pilot zatraži pomoć psihijatra, kojem zapadne za oko zaručnica njegova novog pacijenta te ga pokuša hipnotizirati da ubije njegovu suprugu.
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theaters HIT: The First Case

Burdened by old demons, a troubled but brilliant detective sets out to solve two confounding abduction cases — one involving his own girlfriend.
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theaters Hitna pomoć


Ako za auto za bijeg kaniš ukrasti kola hitne pomoći, najprije provjeri ima li straga pacijenata.
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theaters Hobotnica


Detektiv amater istražuje oskvrnuće obiteljskog groba svoje djevojke i pritom naiđe na osebujne sumnjivce i zagonetno ubojstvo.
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theaters Home Wrecker

Jealous of her old college friend's career success and happy relationship, a hapless lawyer seeks to take over her friend's life — no matter the cost.
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Šesto čulo probudila je trepanacija. Kakve će tajne otkriti svojim trećim okom dok se pokušava sjetiti svoje prošlosti?
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theaters iBOY

He's the proud owner of the absolute latest in cutting-edge digital technology ... but it's literally all in his head.
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theaters Ile Owo

Luckless in love, a young nurse finally meets the perfect man — a handsome billionaire — only to learn that his family harbors some deep, dark secrets.
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