Trileri: 542 naslova


theaters The Jonestown Haunting

Preživjela iz tragedije u Jonestownu vrati se na isto mjesto nakon 10 godina i sazna da je nekadašnji dom kulta postao rasadnik natprirodnih pojava.
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theaters The Limit Of

Kad odluči poduzeti nešto protiv pohlepne financijske institucije za koju radi, bankar shvati koliko je zapravo daleko spreman ići da izravna račune.
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theaters The Man on the Other Side

U ovom špijunskom trileru smještenom u doba Hladnog rata tajna policija zarobi tajnicu iz Zapadne Njemačke koja pomaže svojem dečku u krađi vladinih dokumenata.
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theaters The Occupant

He made commercials portraying the perfect family. Then he started to lose his. Solution? Find another family to steal.
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theaters The Outsider

A brotherhood unlike any other, formed in a foreign land. He'll abide by a sworn oath, and a treacherous path awaits.
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theaters The Paramedic

A freak accident. An unhinged mind. Nothing is off the table when it comes to keeping his beloved close. Really close.
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theaters The Post-Truth World

When held hostage by a convicted sports star, news anchor Liu Li-min finds a new shot at fame. But his investigation reveals far more than he expected.
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theaters The Royal Bengal Tiger

Knocked down by life one too many times, a meek family man drastically transforms from shy to savage after an encounter with a mysterious friend.
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theaters The Silence

At the slightest sound, winged predators swarm -- and kill. In this terrifying new world, only the silent survive.
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theaters The Solitary Child

Udavši se za zemljoposjednika čija je bivša supruga umrla nasilnom smrću, djevojka počne nalaziti zlokobne poruke o njemu po kući.
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theaters The Son

In this psychological thriller, painter Lorenzo's life spirals out of control as he fears his wife is trying to isolate him from their infant son.
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theaters The Soul

A mysterious homicide. A nefarious experiment. As the clock ticks, will they be tempted by this death-defying venture?
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theaters The Teacher

A physical education teacher navigates the brutal aftermath of a sexual assault as she grapples with her husband’s indifference and a thirst for revenge.
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theaters The Teckman Mystery

Kad počne raditi na biografiji pokusnog pilota koji je poginuo, pisac otkrije zlokobnu urotu, a ljudi povezani s njome počnu umirati.
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theaters The Throne

Two sons of a powerful Pedi chief in South Africa struggle for control of their father's kingdom, forcing others in the household to take sides.
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theaters The Utah Cabin Murders

Obiteljski odmor u zabačenoj brvnari iz spokojnog se druženja pretvori u stravično iskustvo kada im u dom upadnu dvojica maskiranih uljeza.
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