Triler serije: 393 naslova


ondemand_video Taxi Driver

A former special forces soldier delivers revenge for victims of injustice while working for a secret organization that fronts as a taxi company.
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ondemand_video Te crne oči

Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein

Dok ga nesmiljeno progoni kći moćnog političara koja ne preže ni od čega kako bi postao njezin, muškarac krene mračnim putem da ponovo preuzme uzde vlastita života.
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ondemand_video Terminator Zero

Ratnica iz postapokaliptične budućnosti otputuje u 1997. kako bi zaštitila AI znanstvenika kojega lovi neuništivi kiborg koji ne osjeća ništa.
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ondemand_video The Deep State

In the wake of a pilot’s death, a scandal engulfs a high-ranking government official — but two intelligence officers set out to prove his innocence.
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ondemand_video The Devil Judge

In a near-future dystopia, an enigmatic judge punishes the haves by carrying out his vision of justice in trials live-broadcast and voted on by citizens.
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ondemand_video The Mire

Prostitutka i predvodnik mladeži pronađeni su mrtvi u jednom poljskom gradu '80-ih, a dvojica novinara posumnjaju u vjerodostojnost policijske istrage.
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ondemand_video The OA

To some, she's a miracle. To others, a freak. Only a few understand where she's been: to the brink of an unseen world.
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ondemand_video The Spy

Agent: untested and alone. Mission: fatal if he's caught. But this spy embraces the danger -- even if it costs him everything.
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