Filmovi prema stvarnim događajima: 217 naslova


theaters Sva jutra ovoga svijeta

Tous Les Matins Du Monde

Nakon smrti supruge glazbenik se preseli u malu kuću u svojem vrtu kako bi sebe i svoje dvije mlade kćeri zaštitio od vanjskog svijeta.
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theaters Šampioni


Britanskom džokeju Bobu Championu 1979. je godine dijagnosticiran rak... no pravi prvak nikada ne gubi nadu.
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theaters Tad je Barbara srela Alana

Then Barbara Met Alan

Upoznavši se u klubu, dvoje kabaretskih umjetnika zaljubi se i počne se zalagati za prava osoba s invaliditetom po čitavoj Ujedinjenoj Kraljevini. Prema istinitoj priči.
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theaters Teorija svega

The Theory of Everything

Fizičar Stephen Hawking i supruga Jane Wilde pokušavaju pronaći ravnotežu između njegove uznapredovale bolesti i sve veće slave te njezine potrage za svrhom izvan braka.
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theaters Thalaivii

This biopic charts the life of actor-turned-chief minister Jayaram Jayalalitha and the relationship paving her rapid yet complicated path to power.
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theaters The Angel

As the threat of war grows, one spy sets in motion a plan that will change the course of history. Based on a true story.
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theaters The Climb

He said he'd climb the highest mountain to win her love. Now it's time to prove it. With the whole country watching.
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theaters The Dirt

Outrageous acts. Insatiable addictions. Thundering rock 'n' roll. Mötley Crüe's down-and-dirty autobiography comes to life.
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theaters The Drug King

He just saw it as a way of supporting his family. He didn't count on getting ensnared in the foul underbelly of greed.
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theaters The Highwaymen

They're back on the job, and still not playing by the rules. But these old-school lawmen are the last hope for stopping Bonnie and Clyde.
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theaters The King

Yesterday, he was a drunken fool. Today, he's king. With the crown heavy on his head, he holds England's fate in his hands.
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theaters The Ruthless

He didn't intend to become a brutal criminal mastermind. A brief but unwarranted stint in juvie would change that.
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