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The public followed every step of his noble fundraising marathon. Few know the emotional journey that accompanied it.
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The public followed every step of his noble fundraising marathon. Few know the emotional journey that accompanied it.
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Daring and dashing — that was the Argentine-born Fangio, who set nearly every Formula One record before the modern era.
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Football took him around the world. On the field, he forged his own path amid scrutiny, controversy and brilliance.
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Shattered trust. Dashed dreams. Unimaginable trauma. That's just the toxic tip of a culture of abuse, corruption and cover-ups.
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Nothing’s easy in the Navajo Nation. For these teens, life presents obstacles, but basketball gives them opportunity.
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This series looks at the stories behind the athletes and countries that have achieved World Cup champion status.
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Boca Juniors is more than a soccer team – it's a way of life. And second place isn't an option for this passionate club.
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Peterostruki osvajač natjecanja Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger igra glavnu ulogu u filmu koji prati napredak tada 28-godišnjeg mladića koji se bori za šestu titulu.
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Neki su sportovi biznis. Ovima se pak ljudi bave iz ljubavi. Zaviri u najzanimljivije i najopasnije igre na svijetu.
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Strong personalities. Serious injuries. A coach who won't settle for second. At a tiny Texas college, cheerleading's huge.
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The seasoned pro. The Olympic hopeful. The young up-and-comer. The ring is their home, and titles are their dream.
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Krv. Znoj. Suze. Ponovi. Upoznaj natjecatelje Paraolimpijskih igara i istraži izvanrednu povijest tog događaja.
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Biciklom je pokušao utrti put za sportaše s invaliditetom. Uspio je zahvaljujući svojoj nevjerojatnoj volji.
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It's the world's most brutal sport. But these guys are willing to sacrifice blood and bone to become champions.
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Survival? Sport? Tradition? When it comes to why people fight, no two cultures have the same answer.
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Pulse-pounding highlights. Revealing personal stories. Grab a front-row seat as a soccer giant aims to stay on top.
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Elitnim timovima koji žele dominirati najvećim trkaćim natjecanjem samopouzdanje je sve, a strah može biti fatalan.
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Ishrana i život UFC borca mijenjaju se zauvijek nakon što je potaknut da preispita svoj stav o mesu.
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Veliki teniski prvak traži priznanje koje je zaslužio. Hoće li konačno uspjeti desetljećima poslije?
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One man can blow the lid off history's biggest sports doping scandal. But what is he willing to endure to expose the truth?
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