Drame o socijalnim problemima: 470 naslova


theaters Heartbreak Motel

At a quiet motel, a rising star in the film industry must confront her past as she navigates her flourishing career and delicate personal relationships.
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theaters Heavens Above!

Vikar koji podjednako vrijednima smatra i bogate i siromašne župljane nehotice uzdrma društveni poredak gradića, čime naljuti sve stanovnike.
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theaters Heroj Bollywooda

Bollywood Hero

Snimajući bolivudski film u Mumbaiju, nizozemski glumac nehotice prouzroči nesreću koja ga nagna da pomogne nesretnim ljudima koji ga okružuju.
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theaters High Flying Bird

A lockout leaves a rookie baller and his agent scrambling for money and answers. But what if they don't need the league at all?
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theaters Hijakint

Operation Hyacinth

Nezadovoljan rezultatom istrage ubojstva u varšavskoj gay zajednici, policajac u komunističkoj Poljskoj 1980-ih naumi otkriti istinu.
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theaters His Excellency

Britanska socijalistička vlada imenuje sindikalnog predstavnika lučkih radnika guvernerom mediteranskog otoka.
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theaters Hurdang

In 1990, a brash college student gets drawn into an uproar surrounding a critical bill that will affect India’s education system.
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theaters Indian

An aging freedom fighter turned vigilante seeks to root out corruption in the government. But soon his mission takes a personal turn.
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theaters Indian 2

As corruption becomes rampant in the country, a group of vloggers urges freedom fighter-turned-vigilante Senapathy to return to finish his mission.
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theaters Ingeborg Holm

Dva nijema filma djelo su redatelja Victora Sjöströma, pokretača prvog zlatnog doba švedske kinematografije, koji je poslije ostvario uspješnu karijeru i u Hollywoodu.
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theaters Ingoma

A schoolteacher tells his students the story of his life before he found success, navigating betrayal, financial hardship and selling drugs.
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theaters Inheritance

Vulkanski krajolik Havaja zrcali nemir fotografa koji se pokušava odlučiti između svojih otočkih korijena i nade u bolju budućnost.
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theaters Interrogation

In this fact-based drama, politically motivated cops in Andhra Pradesh set out to frame four Tamil laborers for a crime, torturing them to no avail.
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theaters Intimni razgovori

Heart to Heart

Život francuske obitelji prikazan je iz perspektive kćeri, koja se uz dvije sestre nosi s osobnim tegobama i društvenim promjenama.
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theaters Invisible

After learning she's pregnant, a teen grapples with the consequences while trying to go about her life as if nothing has changed.
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theaters It's Us

When rumors and stereotypes dangerously disrupt a harmonious Kenyan community, residents must decide whether to succumb to turmoil — or rise above it.
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theaters Izgubljeni psi bez ogrlice

The Little Rebels

Nakon što sudac pošalje maloljetnog delinkventa u popravni dom, on se sprijatelji sa starijim dječakom s kojim planira bijeg.
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theaters Izjaši u noć

Ride Tonight!

U ovoj filmskoj adaptaciji romana Vilhelma Moberga seljaci ustanu protiv ugnjetavanja zemljoposjednika nakon što jedan poljoprivrednik odbije platiti porez.
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theaters Izopćenik


Nakon što romantičan student postane politički zatvorenik, mora odabrati stranu prije negoli to država učini za njega.
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