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Saznavši da je umro njegov djed rudar, Pancho se sa suprugom i djecom vrati u rodni gradić... gdje prepirke s rođacima oko nasljedstva završe kaotično.
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Saznavši da je umro njegov djed rudar, Pancho se sa suprugom i djecom vrati u rodni gradić... gdje prepirke s rođacima oko nasljedstva završe kaotično.
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Izmučen i slomljen, obudovjeli privatni istražitelj mora raspetljati mrežu laži kako bi razotkrio istinu o ubojstvu u vili.
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U ovoj neuobičajenoj kolekciji kratkih filmova 11 filmaša iz 11 zemalja propituje globalni utjecaj terorističkih napada 11. rujna 2001.
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An earnest small-town man heads to Delhi to become a police officer, facing systemic adversity at every turn ahead of the notorious civil service exams.
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A businessman returns home to Nigeria and falls in love with a friend's sister despite his family’s plan for him to marry a politician’s daughter.
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Families, shattered. A nation, stunned. A story of grief, strength and resilience in the face of hate. Based on real events.
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Blood has been spilled in an election that's beyond rigged. How much more will be shed for the truth to be exposed?
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Jedini ženski crnački bataljun u Drugom svjetskom ratu stacioniran u inozemstvu pošalju u nemoguću misiju u ovoj drami Tylera Perryja snimljenoj prema istinitoj priči.
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Nakon što orobe banku u jednom gradiću kopača zlata, skupina odmetnika shvati da je nasamarena, a šerif pokrene neumoljivu potjeru.
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His fiery ambition drives him from a strict, devout upbringing to a world of means and opportunity. But like a shadow, his past follows.
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When a motley theater troupe sets out to stage a play about love, drama reaches new heights as attitudes around sexuality and caste begin to clash.
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On the fringes of Kuala Lumpur, two undocumented brothers must battle for survival together — until a social worker's help shakes up their familiar life.
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A sex-worker-turned-entrepreneur moves to a small town and launches her own lingerie business, only to draw the ire of a preacher's wife.
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Near a Spanish town in northern Africa, a child takes a painful journey, a father reconnects with his daughter and a coast guard is guilt stricken.
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A woman seeks to escape her engagement to a violent politician, but when a stranger comes to her aid, the two face an onslaught of bigotry and hate.
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He envisioned a different life. A better one. But in his world, dreams are a luxury — survival comes first.
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A total rock star at school and work, she seems to have it all together. But sometimes even solo acts need a little backup.
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It's a night she's determined to quietly forget. But the reminders are constant -- and the consequences, unavoidable.
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In a town divided into two opposing groups, a man and woman from opposite sides fall for each other. But can love transcend the line that separates them?
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Godinama nakon preživljene tragedije u djetinjstvu dvojica braće nađu se na suprotnim stranama zakona dok kriminal povezan s bandama stavlja na kušnju njihovu odanost.
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