Znanstvena fantastika i fantasy: 138 naslova


theaters A Choo

She wanted him to be brave, so he became a superhero. How many punches will he take before he earns her love?
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theaters A.X.L.

He's found the ultimate loyal companion — who's also a state-of-the-art weapon. Now powerful forces are after them both.
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theaters Advantageous

In her profession, getting older isn't an option. Science has a solution, but it requires the ultimate sacrifice.
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theaters ARQ

Earth's future depends on a new technology, but the path to survival has a twist. Time's not up -- just in pieces.
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theaters Assassin's Creed

Uz pomoć tehnologije Callum Lynch probudi svoju poveznicu sa srednjovjekovnim društvom ubojica zakletih na borbu protiv moćnih templara, u prošlosti i sadašnjosti.
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theaters Awe

From every walk of life, they couldn't be more different from one another. Except for one way in which they're the same.
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theaters Beskrajna, poput svemira

I'm Endless Like the Space

Izgubljena između mašte i stvarnosti, 17-godišnja Jessica nosi se s burom emocija i događaja u svojem snijegom zametenom gradiću, uz hrpu sukoba kod kuće i u školi.
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theaters BLAME!

The endless city no longer responds to humans; its guardians treat them as vermin. He's fighting to change that.
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theaters Bleach

He's human. She's a soul reaper. But now he's got her powers, she's stuck training him, and neither of them are happy about it.
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theaters Bright

He's stuck with a partner nobody wants, in a city on edge. And tonight, a mystical weapon will unleash chaotic forces.
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theaters Brightburn

Their prayers for a child were answered with a baby straight from heaven. But his true nature is not so angelic.
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theaters Bumblebee

Misle da je smrtonosni ratni stroj. No on je njezin najbolji prijatelj. Djevojku i robota ništa ne može razdvojiti.
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theaters Cargo

Aboard a spaceship where souls of the deceased are readied for reincarnation, a lone crew member’s rigid existence is disrupted by a spry new assistant.
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theaters Chamatkar

However dire your troubles, there's always a chance they'll be resolved. In this case, it's a "ghost" of a chance.
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theaters Circle

You're in a torture chamber with 50 people. Victims are dropping like flies. But you can save one. Who will it be?
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ondemand_video Comidark Films

In this collection of bitterly funny, character-driven films from Cem Yılmaz, ordinary protagonists embark on surreal, extraordinary journeys.
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