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Nakon što joj prkosni kolega sabotira dostave, dostavljačica i njezin korisni klijent moraju žurno vratiti božnićne poklone ljudima kojima su namijenjeni.
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Nakon što joj prkosni kolega sabotira dostave, dostavljačica i njezin korisni klijent moraju žurno vratiti božnićne poklone ljudima kojima su namijenjeni.
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He thinks she wants a wedding to remember. But he'll soon realize that she wants an event the public will never forget.
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A search for a lost piece of jewelry leads him to find something of even greater value: true love.
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Sick of keeping their love a secret from their constantly bickering mothers, a young couple seeks to uncover the cause of the women’s longstanding war.
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Dvije suparničke ribarske zajednice, britanska i francuska, razlike među sobom moraju ostaviti po strani dok prijetnja Drugog svjetskog rata sve više jača.
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Sebični ženskaroš preko ušiju se zaljubi u potpunu neznanku. Bolje mu je da požuri jer bi mu ona mogla pobjeći.
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A dreamer falls for a girl who is in love with someone else and tries to create a rift between her and the man she loves.
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A young woman desires a perfect life of love and children, but falling for a man who has no interest in marriage or a family makes her search difficult.
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Na večer kada bi trebala diplomirati Natalie se život izmakne kontroli nakon što napravi test na trudnoću. Što će joj život i ljubav donijeti?
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Tražeći nakon prevare utjehu u planinskom odmaralištu, marketinški stručnjak upozna ženu koju je napustio muž, nakon čega uslijedi niz nesporazuma.
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Nakon što mu majka i sestre srede niz užasnih spojeva naslijepo, neoženjeni „nos” za parfeme smisli plan kako ih usrećiti, a da ostane slobodan.
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Sometimes the perfect man isn't the one you fall in love with. Sometimes he's the match instead of the flame.
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Determined to marry before she turns 30, a woman tries to change her impulsive ways and do whatever it takes to win back the boyfriend who left her.
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With their clashing demands, the mothers of both bride and groom turn wedding prep into comical chaos in this sequel to “Keeping Up With the Kandasamys.”
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A carefree racing enthusiast’s womanizing ways end when he meets the girl of his dreams, but their newfound peace is disrupted by a dangerous killer.
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A father’s guilt. A wife’s wounds. A son’s burden. A brother’s grudge. They’re fractured — but they’re still a family.
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A young man's hunt for thrills alienates those around him but pays off in adrenalin when he starts robbing his wealthy neighbors.
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Dvoje mladih koje žele postati pripadnici visokog društva, u ogromnim dugovima nakon što su bili žrtve prijevare, stvore lažne identitete da bi izvukli novac od bogatih.
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Prijateljice iz književnog kluba odvedu Viv u Italiju da proslave njezine zaruke. Ondje im romanse, prosecco, ludorije i prosvjetljenje učvrsti prijateljstvo.
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Najbolji prijatelji i sušte suprotnosti, Debbie i Peter, na tjedan dana zamijene kuće i jedno drugome zavire u živote... što bi im moglo otvoriti vrata ljubavi.
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